I have not changed. Or rather, I have, but not academically. You know that feeling when you expect the journey you embark on to be hard and tedious and challenging? That feeling of motivation and defeat at once that washes over you, knocking you down into a daze, when you know it will be hard but it will be interesting and new and exciting. I had that feeling…before college began. I keep waiting for it to get harder, but day after day I am realizing that it doesn’t. College is hard when you don’t have time management skills or severely difficult classes such as biology and chemistry which require a lot of understanding and memorizing. All in all, however, college-academically-is precisely like high school, with more freedom.
I used my knowledge of people for the Community Service Project and ability to communicate with others. I didn’t use all the functions of the school available just because I simply did not need to: it was pretty self-explanatory. My ideas haven’t evolved on community service considering I have always looked at community service as more of a reward than a reprimand or just a task. That hasn’t changed.
Perhaps I am missing a piece to this puzzle, but I feel like college life and its academic integrity is portrayed much harder than it actually is, but then again perhaps I got lucky and I am only a Freshman. I have not “grown-up”, I don’t think, but maybe that is just my inability to reflect on my self speaking.
In three years, I will be teaching and dancing. That is the only aspect of my life I am absolutely sure of. There is nothing I would rather do or anywhere I would rather be. Perhaps by then, I will be challenged and given an interesting puzzle to solve instead of the dull one I’m doing now-the one with too little pieces designed for ages three and up.