All posts by z.liu2

About z.liu2


Journal#3 Next Steps

The Community Service Project presentation has  finally ended. I learned a lot, not only from the presentation itself but the whole process of the proposal of a certain event like a volunteer service, it takes effort to prepare something that you seriously want to involve. The participation in the Community Service Project encourages me to get out of my comfort zone and talk to people like my group members and staffs of the organization as well to actually get our proposal finished and organized. Communication is really important in the process of working as a team because we all want to contribute to this group project and everyone has his or her own opinion. I am very glad that we know what we want to do at the very beginning but it gets a lot more harder when it comes to contacting the organization since Clinton Foundation is such a huge and broad organization that everyone wants to participate in. Fortunately everything works fine so far and we all look forward to starting our volunteer service in the spring.

Another thing I’m really happy about is, after three months in Baruch College, I know a lot of friends who are willing to be out there to help me. And all the professors I’ve met so far are so helpful and patient to me. Every time I come to them for help, they always provide me useful advice to guide me through difficulties. I want to thank them for everything they do even though I might not do well in their class.

The first semester now is approaching to an end.  And I look forward to the second semester in Baruch where we may meet more new friends and new professors.  I don’t know what it will be like after three years because every day is a different day, and in every minute the world is changing. All I can do is be adventurous and get ready for any challenge life has given and will give me. And I’m sure I will become a better person with hope and ambition one day when I come out of Baruch.

Journal#3 Next Steps

The Community Service Project presentation has  finally ended. I learned a lot, not only from the presentation itself but the whole process of the proposal of a certain event like a volunteer service, it takes effort to prepare something that you seriously want to involve. The participation in the Community Service Project encourages me to get out of my comfort zone and talk to people like my group members and staffs of the organization as well to actually get our proposal finished and organized. Communication is really important in the process of working as a team because we all want to contribute to this group project and everyone has his or her own opinion. I am very glad that we know what we want to do at the very beginning but it gets a lot more harder when it comes to contacting the organization since Clinton Foundation is such a huge and broad organization that everyone wants to participate in. Fortunately everything works fine so far and we all look forward to starting our volunteer service in the spring.

Another thing I’m really happy about is, after three months in Baruch College, I know a lot of friends who are willing to be out there to help me. And all the professors I’ve met so far are so helpful and patient to me. Every time I come to them for help, they always provide me useful advice to guide me through difficulties. I want to thank them for everything they do even though I might not do well in their class.

The first semester now is approaching to an end.  And I look forward to the second semester in Baruch where we may meet more new friends and new professors.  I don’t know what it will be like after three years because every day is a different day, and in every minute the world is changing. All I can do is be adventurous and get ready for any challenge life has given and will give me. And I’m sure I will become a better person with hope and ambition one day when I come out of Baruch.

Journal#2 To serve our community

As a Baruch scholar, my role is not limited as a learner who study and learn stuff from being a college student, but should be one that applies what we learn in school to serve the community by helping it get better and better. Serving our community is always a beautiful thing to do. But as we living a busy life, it now becomes a “hard” thing for people to actually get the chance to serve our community. You are busy working days and nights without getting enough sleep, you have a project to finish by the end of the weekend, or you think it’s not going to make it a big difference. All kinds of things are dragging you from doing your community service. In my opinion, serving our community is never a hard or tiring thing to do. It could be as simple as picking up a paper scrape while you working on the street. Any little thing counts!

“EXPLORE. ENGAGE. TRANSFORM.” These three words shown in the Baruch Honors website are the culture that Baruch Honors Program promotes. As a Baruch scholar, we explore our school and the community that we’re all in, actively engage in clubs and communities services and transform ourselves from a student that maintains high academic standards to be a part of the community. Fulfilling the Honor’s requirement of serving community services is not just a job that we have to finish but an opportunity for us to gain experience in the society, at the same time, help our community in whatever ways they need us. I’m very looking forward to participating in our community service. I think it’ll be a great experience for me!

Journal#2 To serve our community

As a Baruch scholar, my role is not limited as a learner who study and learn stuff from being a college student, but should be one that applies what we learn in school to serve the community by helping it get better and better. Serving our community is always a beautiful thing to do. But as we living a busy life, it now becomes a “hard” thing for people to actually get the chance to serve our community. You are busy working days and nights without getting enough sleep, you have a project to finish by the end of the weekend, or you think it’s not going to make it a big difference. All kinds of things are dragging you from doing your community service. In my opinion, serving our community is never a hard or tiring thing to do. It could be as simple as picking up a paper scrape while you working on the street. Any little thing counts!

“EXPLORE. ENGAGE. TRANSFORM.” These three words shown in the Baruch Honors website are the culture that Baruch Honors Program promotes. As a Baruch scholar, we explore our school and the community that we’re all in, actively engage in clubs and communities services and transform ourselves from a student that maintains high academic standards to be a part of the community. Fulfilling the Honor’s requirement of serving community services is not just a job that we have to finish but an opportunity for us to gain experience in the society, at the same time, help our community in whatever ways they need us. I’m very looking forward to participating in our community service. I think it’ll be a great experience for me!

Journal#1 Introduction

Hello, everyone! My name is Terrence Liu, typing this post in Queens, New York. From this journal on, I’m going to share  things about myself and let you experience something you’ve never had before. Feel free to have some music on, it’d be better if you listen to some music when you browsing blogs.

So starting from my name,  I was born with this Asian name, Zijian Liu that my parents gave me hoping me to be a healthy boy that grows strong like trees do. But after I immigrated to United States with my mom many years ago, I suddenly realized that no one could pronounce my name right and the situation becomes extremely awkward when teachers doing attendance in school, they always mispronounced my name. So I decided to give myself an American name so that it could be easier for people to say.

Coming to the United States has totally changed my life and shaped who I am. I still remember the first day I went to school, I didn’t speak a word whole day. I was scared for being in a new environment that was so unfamiliar to me. The teachers back then helped me a lot to get through those adjustments. Since then, I started to assimilate American culture and values, but at the same time, remain the virtues and culture that Chinese people share.

Now as a college student, I’ve come up to a bigger step in my life. I expect to not only receive a decent GPA during my college years, but learn to become better as a person in general. I also hope to find out what I truly love about and to consistently fight for that for my whole life. One thing I’m concerned about for my first semester is that I need to overcome my public-speaking anxiety in the communication course. We have several speeches to make in this semester and this will be a huge challenge for me!  Now I’m looking forward to the second semester because we could actually start to choose courses that we’d like to take.

Journal#1 Introduction

Hello, everyone! My name is Terrence Liu, typing this post in Queens, New York. From this journal on, I’m going to share  things about myself and let you experience something you’ve never had before. Feel free to have some music on, it’d be better if you listen to some music when you browsing blogs.

So starting from my name,  I was born with this Asian name, Zijian Liu that my parents gave me hoping me to be a healthy boy that grows strong like trees do. But after I immigrated to United States with my mom many years ago, I suddenly realized that no one could pronounce my name right and the situation becomes extremely awkward when teachers doing attendance in school, they always mispronounced my name. So I decided to give myself an American name so that it could be easier for people to say.

Coming to the United States has totally changed my life and shaped who I am. I still remember the first day I went to school, I didn’t speak a word whole day. I was scared for being in a new environment that was so unfamiliar to me. The teachers back then helped me a lot to get through those adjustments. Since then, I started to assimilate American culture and values, but at the same time, remain the virtues and culture that Chinese people share.

Now as a college student, I’ve come up to a bigger step in my life. I expect to not only receive a decent GPA during my college years, but learn to become better as a person in general. I also hope to find out what I truly love about and to consistently fight for that for my whole life. One thing I’m concerned about for my first semester is that I need to overcome my public-speaking anxiety in the communication course. We have several speeches to make in this semester and this will be a huge challenge for me!  Now I’m looking forward to the second semester because we could actually start to choose courses that we’d like to take.

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