The Empty Vessel known as the Child

Think critically! It’s such an easy thing to say and yet so hard to truly do. Reading The Case against Peter Pan, I was plunged into idea of thinking critically in terms of children’s literature. The idea of packaging a story that came out of a fetish book, seems absolutely insane. Yet, on a daily basis children are being marketed adult content with “child like” themes. As a society, children’s books are promoted by schools, retails chains, libraries, etc, without being critically analyzed to see if their promoting other agendas. Peter Pan has reached iconic status, and is passed from generation to generation. Its troubled past becoming a myth of sorts, It’s disturbing to unknowingly marvel at such a story when it’s brought to life again time after time in books, and to never question it’s origin. It isn’t enough to try and figure out what children’s literature is, without knowing where it came from, and why it exists. In Charles Dickens “Hard Times” children were made to be filled with facts, empty vessels for knowledge being taught to them by adults. This method didn’t work for any of the children in “Hard Times” that later became unfulfilled adults. The analysis of the case of Peter Pan made it apparent that children are still viewed as empty vessels, only facts have been replaced with adult versions of “child like” fantasy.