First Post

After our class discussions, I noticed that I’ve been analyzing children’s literature and movies in a whole new light. I recently watched Disney’s Frozen with my roommate, and while she was laughing and loving it, I was asking questions such as “How would a child understand that?” and “Does that not sound like it has underlying sexual context?” In the Case Of Peter Pan, the reader gets a glimpse into what truly motivated the author the write Peter Pan. Though the authors perverse love for little boys is enough to make your skin crawl, is it really surprising? Almost all Disney movies have some level of perversion in it. Even today, while watching Frozen I noticed sexual puns! Typically children as associated with innocence, so why add sexual puns into stories meant for innocent children? Perhaps it is because children’s stories are not just meant for children. Who reads the children their bed time stories? Adults. Who watches these movies with the children? Adults. The perversion that is sometimes weeded into these Disney movies are not meant to corrupt the children, but to merely entertain the adults. Maybe the need to add perversion into something so innocent says more about our society than it does about children’s literature as a genre.