Questions for Discussing Alice next Wednesday

Discussion Questions for The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland

1)  What do you think about Alice?  Do you like her?  Is she funny?  Is she innocent?  Do you sympathize with her?

2)  Who is your favorite character and why?  (Alternately you may answer what is your favorite moment and why.  Only do this option if your moment is a very specific moment.)

3) Who is your least favorite character and why?  (Same alternate question applies.)

4 Identify a trope in The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland, which you see in a book, movie, artwork today.   For example the idea of falling into a hole or going through an everyday portal that takes you to a magic upside down land is a trope well established in the novel.  We can see that same trope in Harry Potter, particularly the first book or The Lion,  the Witch and the Wardrobe.