Tom Sawyer

First time reading this story and the language is difficult to read at some points, but still readable. In the first chapter Tom Sawyer is seen as a troublemaker. He was caught by his Aunt Polly when he was hiding from her and quickly escapes by fooling her. Later he is suspected of playing hooky from school and went swimming instead. He almost got away with it until his half-brother Sid calls him out about the color of the thread used for his collar. It was white when it was sewn by Aunt Polly, but it was now black. Despite his trouble-making habits he is depicted to be more mature than the other kids his age. First in chapter 2, he is able to get other kids to d his work in exchange for something material that the other kids had. He does this by declaring his work was not actually work and made the other kids think it was work only he could be trusted with.