A Coon Alphabet

   Just like my  fellow peers, the first thing that also caught my attention reading the alphabet was the use of  language and how things are misspelled and the funny looking drawings. I feel as if this is obviously making fun of slavery in a way for kids to understand, and also to portray how slavery was back then. Like some have noticed already that the word  “coon” is a derogatory term so I also find it hard to determine whether or not the author is supporting slavery by showing us how things were back then and how it should be remembered or if the author wants us to be against it in some way. I Just find the whole thing as mockery towards slavery, and it reminds me of modern day comedy  that we see nowadays in newspapers and such of those little sketch cartoons that are made to make us laugh or find a social situation as a joke. Although this is made for children, we have to always keep in mind that their is always something morally off when it comes to children’s stories and their is always some kind of hidden bigger picture behind it, and in this case I automatically get the impression that this is made to make fun of slavery and nothing more.