Curiosity and Names

Curiosity killed the cat or in this case the monkey. Curious George brings me back to my childhood. I think when I used to read it I felt like mischief could be pulled off… It seems to me that no matter what George does he is not in trouble by the end of the story. Whether this is because he is a monkey from a foreign land and therefore doesn’t know any better is questionable. After we defined the word curious in class to have a negative connotation, the story can be viewed in a different light. George becomes pretty destructive and all his actions aren’t that good. Pretty much everything that he does hurts others and even himself. Thus George’s whole being is called into question. If his antics put people in danger what makes him so worth saving time and time again by the man with the yellow hat?

I also find it particularly interesting that the man in the yellow hat is just that. He isn’t really given a name throughout the career of the curious George series. His whole suit honestly reminds me of a banana and I wonder if that was the inspiration… Even more curious, in the first curious George book George is constantly referred to as George and even responds to that name however the man in the yellow hat doesn’t name him that until several pages into the story. I believe that, in total, there are only three times throughout the story where a character calls him George. I’m pretty sure giving an animal a name three times does not make that name stick.