Our Near Future

I personally find that the world is moving in the direction of digital media. I feel that we are coming incredibly dependent on the way that we communicate digitally. But, is that a bad thing? I don’t think so.

Everyone is so quick to say that digital media has tarnished the way we communicate in a face-to-face setting. While I agree to that to an extent, I find that we have opened up doors that is just plain remarkable. We are able to communicate with people from multiple different languages, from different parts of the world, and we are able to connect using one similar server.

I found a new development recently that you are able to attend virtual concerts. You will be able to go to a given location, and be able to see a concert in the most live aspect you can. I feel like thats a massive way for artists to continue their career, without stretching themselves too thin. I feel that is an advancement that needs more credit than it is currently getting.

I admire the fact that we are expanding so much technologically, that almost anyone understands the base level of digital media. We all know that most people have a smartphone, which gives them a base level of understanding. There are many ways to dive deeper into this, but not many of us do. My only fear is that if we become too dependent, will it effect our emotions?

This question brings me to recall one of my favorite TV shows, Fringe. In Fringe, there was an entire race of human/cyborgs who were the optimal human being, except they had no emotions whatsoever. They were at prime intelligence, but their ultimate downfall of their existence was the fact that they lacked empathy.


Do you feel advancing in digital media will benefit or society?

How far is too far when it comes to digital media?

5 thoughts on “Our Near Future

  1. “We are able to communicate with people from multiple different languages, from different parts of the world, and we are able to connect using one similar server.” – ok, I agree with you on that. I am glad I can communicate with my Russian friends though Skype, Viber and Whatsup. But don’t you think that at the same time technological devices destroy the real human connection? People’s faces look empty for me, to be honest. I feel like my cats experience more feelings than members of our modern society.
    Great post, by the way.

  2. I agree on the benefit we have to communicate with people around the world. In my case it is really helpful as well because I do the same with my friends in my country.
    But at the same time, I also think we are losing real connection with people around us. We spend many hours in our phones in different social media platforms, talking with friends, updating status, but really, how about people around us ?

    I remember on New Year’s Eve my family and I got together to celebrate. Everyone was in that party, and one of my uncles send a message to our group message saying happy new year. Really? Come on! We were all at the family reunion, and he did that.
    So, my point is that technology is not the problem, the problem is the way we use it . When we have people around, our family or friends we have to communicate face to face and leave our devices away. That’s call respect.

  3. I believe advancing in digital media is beneficial to our society because we are already being accustomed to using digital media everyday. It has already become a staple to our lives and there isn’t a major issue that would make it seem that advancement is bad.

  4. I definitely think that advancing in digital media will befenit our society. We see it today, everything around us is a product of digital media , or at least an influence. This is a positive movement that have made our life easier. But not everything that shines is gold, every new idea will bring negative aspects as well. Like I said on my blog, this can be positive if all the information provided is being protected. If so, people shouldn’t feel like their are being violated, but instead, will be encourage to share and participate more.

  5. The advancement of digital media has so far revolutionized our human interactions. Our society has been reduced into a small village where we can interact with diverse people through the internet. However, we can not ignore the fact the human face of it has been significantly reduced as face to face aspect of human interaction has been minimized. Nevertheless, digital media is here to stay but it is here to supplement our interaction but not to completely replace it

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