Digital Technology and Creativity


Photo Credit: Imran Ahmed

Ralph Lauren | Photo Credit: Imran Ahmed

The article I chose highlights a new application of digital technology and how it can be used in a creative manner to engage audiences and give them a unique experience. The authors announce an event hosted by the retailer, Ralph Lauren to demonstrate the cutting edge persona of the brand by merging the events, lighting and film industries. In order for this post to make sense, please see the video that covers the event here  and then the article posted by the authors from business of fashion (which includes the behind the scenes video production) here

The problem trying to be solved in this article is the barrier of the 4th dimension which has always restricted designers and engineers. The new technology described in the video , along with the scents, audio, visual elements definitely pushes that barrier into a new realm. The authors make the argument that the event was open to industry people and not the end consumer, causing them lost opportunity in sales. Ralph Lauren could argue that their mission of wowing their industry friends with the 4d experience was enough buzz  to carry on the brand image of RL, and thus indirectly reaching their audience.

The evidence used was the behind the scenes videos which depict the technical aspects of the production where lighting, media and live events were merged to create an immersive  experience, illustrating the modular nature of the technology as described by Lev Manovich as being the “fractal structure of new media. Media elements, be it images, sounds, shapes or behaviours, are represented as collections of discrete samples(pixels, polygons, voxels, characters, scripts) These elements are assembled into larger – scale objects but they continue to maintain their separate identity”  the technology also includes  transcoding where the analog nature of the photo  shoots and building models were transcoded into information that a software could synthesize and create a vibrant performance.

I think the authors did a detailed job at analyzing the technology and event and had their own opinions about how the technology used at the event had not enough of an impact on sales but from a creative directors point of view the story telling aspect of the event made a positive brand image impression on the minds of the influential attendees which was a good enough accomplishment for the Ralph Lauren team.


  1. Where else do you see this technology being used?
  2. Have you experienced a production similar to this and how did the performance/ installation affect you?


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