Instagram Update: Hello, Slideshows

Announced today, Instagram will now allow users to post up to 10 photos and videos in one post, to be known as a slideshow or “carousel”. While advertisers have been able to utilize the carousel feature in sponsored ads for quite a few months, today marks the first day it’s available for general use. This new feature will allow users to combine multiple pictures and videos from one event and create one cohesive post, with one caption and one set of likes. Check out how to use the new feature here.

image via Refinery29

In an interview with Refinery29, Instagram product manager Yichen Weng shared the inspiration behind the new, potentially controversial feature. “The ability to upload multiple photos and videos within one post not only adds depth to those moments, but it also complements other products within the app, such as stories, in a way that makes it easier than ever to share your highlights and everything in between on Instagram.”

Considering today’s advance along with the introduction of Instagram Stories a few months ago, it seems that Instagram is looking to make itself the one-stop shop for social media. Users can now complete activities that it previously took three apps to do: photo sharing (Instagram), photo albums/extended photo posts (Facebook), and disappearing stories and photos (Snapchat). If the Instagram slideshow feature catches on as Instagram Stories has, then social users will just have one more feature causing them to spend more time on the app and become even more addicted.

In Couldry’s “Network Society, Networked Politics” he asks an important question that holds relevant to this recent development in social media: “But what of the transformative potential that stems from the radically new features of digital media?” (109) I think this question takes on new meaning when put in this context because it allows us to think of the enormous potential of social platforms and their constant evolution. If Instagram has already integrated features usually associated with other platforms (albums and stories) then what will be their next move? Will it be to integrate yet another feature “borrowed” from another application, or will it be something completely original and unprecedented?

In Couldry’s “Introduction to Social Theory and Digital Media”, he writes “Now in a world of email and Skype we live with —and alongside —each other in a communication space whose intensity and speed were unimaginable a few years ago.” (27) I quote this part of his text because the phrase “intensity and speed” spoke to this situation. Instagram has revolutionized digital and social communication, as well as interpersonal relationships, by making moments instantly shareable and creating a constant need to share our own lives and consume others’.


  1. What do you think of the new slideshow/carousel feature on Instagram? Do you think it will catch on like Instagram Stories has?
  2. How do you feel knowing companies like Instagram are obviously trying to get their users to spend more time on the app?

8 thoughts on “Instagram Update: Hello, Slideshows

  1. I am not sure about that…I spend so much time on Instagram watching how random people do makeup, walk with their dogs, pretending to have fun with their friends and families. Certainly, it can be useful: for example I can find a new restaurant to have dinner at, learn how to apply the eye liner and take a quick look at my Russian friend’s life. However, I better be working on my resume/cover letter, career goals, homework and conversations without distractions.
    When I really have fun, I forget where my phone is. That’s why using Instagram stories is just another way to show others how “great” your life is.

  2. At first, Instagram was so interesting and I used to just upload photos that I had for dinners without any captions or filtering. However, nowadays, I always think about how I should post this picture on Instagram so that many of my friends would hit likes..I saw one video that the hyper-realism artist talks about social media. He described these days, the realism is derived from virtual which means in the past, we used to use the social media just for fun or getting information. So, there was an exact line between the reality and virtual space. However, nowadays, people are so addicted to social media so they tend to live for the virtual space. People go to popular restaurants or places in order to post their lifestyle on social media. Thus, the priority has been switched. Now, virtual comes first then the reality is next thing. So sometiems it is neccessary to consider this in order to not to be swallowed up by these social media.

  3. I agree with your points, I also agree with s.kim16. It seems like our virtual world is more important to us than the our “real” world. Good examples were brought up by s.kim16 but I would like to add. I have seen many Birthday Wishes dedicated to certain people that have no social media, for example my friends would post a birthday wish photo to a family member, whom is not involve in social media. Which makes me think, is that person genuinely wishing their relatives or friends a Happy Birthday or are they just doing it for the virtual acceptance of likes and views?

  4. To answer your first question, I don’t think the new slideshow/carousel feature on Instagram will be the next new thing. For me personally, I don’t think Instagram Stories is popular; it’s a play off Snapchat which defeats the purpose of having two different applications allowing the same feature. But back to the new slideshow/carousel feature, I think it’s an interesting concept to enhance Instagram but I’m assuming that there will be limitations (similar to the cropping feature in which the picture is in a Square shape).

  5. I enjoyed reading your article! I agree, with your claim that Instagram is trying to make itself the leading top-notch social media platform out there. It is already adopting many characteristics of similar apps, such as Snapchat’s stories, and Facebook’s comment likes. I honestly don’t mind the new Instagram feature. I’d probably use it once or twice just to try it out but I’d probably end up not using it frequently. The only thing I don’t like is how they are trying to make Instagram an “all-in-one” app. I prefer using other apps time to time to give it a break. For example, when I’m done checking Instagram, I’d like to hop on over to Snapchat to see what’s up. I wouldn’t really like all my time spent on one single app, but that’s just me.

  6. I loved your article! Especially because I am a social media influencer and just found out about this new update myself! I specifically like the new update because from my own experience, a lot of times, I can’t decide which picture I want to post, and adding two or more similar pictures at once makes your feed boring! My instagram is about fitness and I can’t never decide which angles of my body I want to show off and even using app called layout that makes it possible to fit more than one pic in the frame lowers the quality of your feed. So yes, I do love the new update, and I don’t see any problem with people spending more time on instagram if they use it to get inspired, educated or simply to make money ! At the end of the day you’re the one that decided if this app will benefit your life or affect it in the negative way.

  7. I think Instagram is a really interesting platform. All social media apps take inspiration from their competitors but Instagram is almost blatant in its integration of other platforms. Like you mentioned with Snapchat, stories is essentially the same app within Instagram. The extended photo album aspect of Facebook that is now “carousel” in Instagram shouldn’t pose a problem since Facebook owns Instagram. It does make you wonder, however, where is the line in intellectual property when it comes to social media apps and technology? It could be argued that its simply the competitive market at play but I do think at some point platforms like Instagram might get into legal troubles by their use of similar ideas.
    As for the “carousel” feature I haven’t quite decided how I feel about it yet. Ultimately what makes a feature succeed or fail is up to the users and how well they respond. Instagram can hope all it wants but if users don’t move their photo albums off Facebook and onto Instagram then it won’t be successful. I am hopeful for what can come of the albums but as someone who enjoys creative feeds I can’t help but be wary of it. Many of friends are photographers who put their art on Instagram and it would be discouraging to see all their pictures in one place instead of creatively spread out in their feed. I suppose I will have to wait and see!

  8. I think Instagram is a great platform for people to express themselves, though I do think it is easy to go overboard with it. A lot of people do post many pictures in one day, and the slideshow makes it easier to condense this into one post. Yes, Instagram is aiming to make more users spend more time on their app, but people automatically do this regardless. Many Instagram users are very excessive with the amount of time and information they share.

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