
By midnight Sunday, your group must post to the blog a description of how your final project is fulfilling the distribution requirements. Remember, your projects must combine spatial history, data mining and analysis, textual analysis, and visual and aural artifacts:

Spatial history

For Spatial History,we plan to use this interactive map, because it showcase changes in national medical marijuana laws from 1995 to 2012. In addition, the color code is easy to follow, ranging from green to white gray. The green and lime green stats have legal medical Marijuana while gray and white gray stats represent where it has fail to pass and have any legalization medical marijuana bill. Next, is the interactive of the map, where when you click on a state it show the stats regulation/law regarding the medical marijuana. For example if you click on New York State on the map, a small text box pop up, with information stating New York is considering legislation for medical marijuana, with brief information  about the bill, what is then name of the bill and when was it introduce. Next is the easy to use handle bar on the top of the map, where it allow user to travel back in times to look at the map when the first medical marijuana was passed in 1996 in the state of California.

This map help strength our group argument because it showcase the changes over time on the stances on illegal drugs being more accepted into society. It show before 1996, there was no stats allow the uses of medical Marijuana, now in 2012, there are 17 stats that allow the uses of marijuana for medical purpose.


For visual we decide to showcase a TV ad by the Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol  in Colorado, because in this video, it embody a messages that what is consider illegal drugs by federal standard, help US veterans to combat with the effect of his post-traumatic stress disorder.



data mining analysis, textual analysis, and aural artifacts.



  • “November 06, 2012 General Election Result” Washington Secretary of State Sam Reed, accessed December 1, 2012
    http://vote.wa.gov/results/current/Measures-All.html   Its a important  because it show the poll result of initiative 502 and the general elections.
    It show that more people voted for legalization of Marijuana than Mitt Romney.
  • “Colorado Election result Secretary of State Scott Gessler” Colorado Secretary of State Sam Reed, accessed December 1, 2012
    http://results.enr.clarityelections.com/CO/43032/113552/en/summary.html#  More people voted for the Amendment 64 than either presidential Candidates.
  • TV ad ,Video “Veterans with PTSD ” Regulated Marijuana, accessed December 1, 2012.
    http://youtu.be/t3uKp1tT8j4 In the video, US Marine Veteran, Corporal Sean Azzariti stats that the use of Marijuana help deals with post-traumatic stress disorder he suffer after he came back from his tour in Iraq.
  • TV ad, Video, “Yes on 64 radio ad – Tom Tancredo”, RegulateMarijuana.org ,Former Republican congressman Tom Tancredo endorsing Legalization of Marijiuana.
  • International Drug Policy Consotrtium
    http://idpc.net/accessed November 17thIDPC, is a library containing over 800 publications on international drug policy. I’ve enjoyed drawing facts from the site because of the consortium’s policy of promoting objective and open debate on the subject. This offers the visitor to the site, an opportunity to read a range of biases, as well as the sites rule of all publications must be backed up by research and evidence. It does not only tackle the United States war on drugs, but international policies as well. This gives you a good basis for how our countries spending and policies compare to other world powers.
  • http://www.globalcommissionondrugs.org/wp-content/themes/gcdp_v1/pdf/Global_Com_Mike_Trace.pdf
    “DRUG POLICY: LESSONS LEARNED AND OPTIONS FOR THE FUTURE”, Mike Trace, Accessed November 20thThis is a report by Mike Trace, that was commissioned by the ‘Global Commission on Drugs’. He outlines the ineffectiveness of the global prohibition efforts in regards to drugs. Also offered, are various solutions to a failed War on Drugs. Since he claims, eliminating all drug use is not possible, there needs to be a different direction international policy must take. I will draw from this source, to give viewers of our site an idea of what future policies could look like.The Global Commission on Drugs, has a team of commissioners that include former presidents, UN officials, and various people that have held prestigious positions. Recognizing the people behind the commission, helps add to the legitimacy of all findings the commission reports on.



Our group’s argument is that the war on drug should have been a major issues during the 2012 presidential elections because it affected our society in various ways. The Federal government spends more than 26.2 Billion dollars a year on the war on drugs. There 12,408,899 made arrests in 2011, and out of those arrests, 1,531,251 arrests were drug related. To be continue…






Which audio assignment will you be doing.

The audio assignment I had chosen is “Chipmunk it”. Its remixing a pop culture songs to mimic the effect as if a chipmunk was singing it.

What hardware and software will you be using.

The hardware I uses its a computer. The software I use is VirtualDJ.

A statement about how this approach to storytelling might be used to make an historical argument.

This approach to storytelling might be used to make an historical argument because it create a new way of looking at the music and how it change over the years. Also, people obsession with “chipmunking” songs.  Examining the popularity of “chipmunked” songs, and raise the questions why Chipmunked music is so popular?


[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/67862851″ iframe=”true” /]

The chipmunk audio approach to storytelling could be used to make an historical argument by comparing the effect of the chipmunk audio to the intended audiences. For example some of the questions that arise while chipmunking an audio is does the message still get delivery as intended of the original author, does the message still hold values and significant meanings and will it have the same impact. For example if we chipmunked the 2012 presidential debate, will the listeners of the debate feel the same way about their candidate. Will they know who is saying what? Or will they take them seriously? And will they vote base on the messages or change their views.

Also, for the maker of the chipmunk 2012 presidential debate, is he or she saying that both candidates are essentially the same. Does the author want the voters to listen to the message rather than the tone and delivery?

Another example is chipmunking historical speeches. As we mentions in class, if we chipmunked Dr.King’s I have a dream speech, and play it to an audiences whom have no knowledge that its Dr.King, will they still feel the same way about the message, will it be impact and emotions be felt the same way.   My guess is probably not but does it signify the important of the speakers who delivering the speech?

In conclusion, I believe chipmunking an audio is an interesting approach to storytelling and making a historical arguments, because it have several intended ways of producing a story, by hiding anonymity of the author and changing the delivery of the contents.

Contra Site Map *Subject to Changes [entry-title]


A statement of the historical question you’re examining in a single sentence

Why is the war on drugs not a key issues in the 2012 Presidential elections?

Our plan is created a website where visitor can easily navigate through the site.  For this site map, we decide to use google site, as a template for now.  We haven’t decided if we will continue to use google site or look for another web hosting site. We’re going to split up the workload by  having William researching Prohibition and drawing a connection to the issues drug in 2012. Cary will research the impact and effect of crimes and spending in relation to drugs over the course of the years. Stephan will look at the Reagan Era and how did the War on Drugs started. I will research current events and did result each candidate stance on drugs impacted the poll, in state like Washington and Colorado where Marijuana is legalize for recreational uses.

Tools we’re going to use is mapping of states where Marijuana is legal and illegal.Second we’re going to created a chart or graph on government spending on the war on drugs.

All is subject to changes*




5.8Billion [entry-title]

“The Cost of the 2012 U.S Elections” By Sam Burgoon on Creditseason.com
October 19, 2012


This data represent the cost of the 2012 President election.

This is a powerful graphical representation of data due to the following reasons.

  1. It put it in perspective with previous election costs.
  2. It show where the funds are coming from and how its being spent.
  3. Its unbiased in the sense that it show both the Democrat and Republican spending.
  4. Its also go into general detail on where those funds are coming, like which state, industrials and sector contribute the most funds; Show top contributor
  5. It presented the data in a colorful and yet simple ways, without going over the top with complex design.


Source: CreditSeason.com


First off, mapping this train route is a very frustrating process. More time consuming than I imagine.

From the beginning I had this mindset that this assignment is going to be a cake walk. I thought I will just Google csv files and imported to Google fusion table and click visualize. Well, that did work out like what I expected because not csv has locations where the fusion table can plotted on the map. That plan failed. So I decide to use http://research.google.com/tables to find one table and click visualizes and writes about it. But my historical morale decide this was too easy and that was not what the professors intended us to learn from it. So I ponder and came to the idea, that lets make a map about my commute to Baruch College. How hard could it be? Right………………?

[googlemaps https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msa=0&msid=200302427878000694292.0004cc89a522decb2d381&ie=UTF8&ll=40.71548,-73.89885&spn=0.084069,0.175567&t=m&output=embed&w=425&h=350]

Boy I was WRONG! The plotting was easy but drawing out the exactly route was a pain in a place sun don’t shine. I could honestly say it took me a good 30 minute to an hour trying to draw out the route, while plotting the location only took 5 minute.

While in the process of making this map, it got me to reflect about the historical thinking that can be applied to my journey to Baruch. What was the reason I taking this route? What are other alternates? What is the thought process behind my decision? How did my past route decision affect today? How might my map become a larger argument? How does it involve Spatial history?  Does my map tell a story? “how the spatialization of data deepens your understanding of the data itself?”

I took this route because it’s the fastest route. I have taken other route before; its 30 minute slower. Find the fastest route to Baruch, and this route is the fastest.

The hardest question to me is how my map might become a larger argument and how does it involve spatial history? My answer is I’m not sure. My guess is that, my map could be use, if there ever a historical projects done about the commute to Baruch College. It involves Spatial history because it tell a unique individual story about my journey to Baruch College. The only answer I could come up with for the last questions is that my commute is 11.08 miles to Baruch, give or talk few feet.

The end result was not I exactly expected but it was pretty close.



How could your group use text mining to answer the historical question(s) you’ve proposed thus far?

Our group could use text mining to answer the historical questions we had proposed by narrowing down keys word, sort different type of document, seek out specifics information, and determine correlation between different documents.

First off, our group could start text mining for keys words from website or blog through wordle.com. Then, we can create a list of words that appear the most. Following that, we can theorize the relationship between the words and find out why it appears. The finding might surprise us and guide us in a different direction.

Second, we can sort out documents that are irrelevant to our research because through the general search, when we enter the war on drugs in a normal search engine, we can get ton of results. Out of all the result we get back from a regular search engine, we could get tons of unrelated hits to our topics. So by using text mining, we can sort out the irrelevant information and go to more the specifics of our search.

Finally, with text mining we can figure out the relationship between documents that might not be present in the document itself. For example, an article or report writing in 2012 might has something do with a document in the 1960s.

In conclusion, text mining is extremely useful tool to use for research and to get A in digital history class at Baruch.


1)   HuffingtonPost.com
2)  pbs.org show frontline
3)  Latimes.com
4) http://www.ontheissues.org/Drugs.htm#Headlines
5) http://stopthedrugwar.org/
6) http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/ondcp/2012_ndcs.pdf




Who created the artifact?  

  •   The artifact was created by Roman Kupchinsky.

When was the artifact created?  

  • The artifact created on July 27, 2008.

Where was it created? 

  •   The artifact was publish in the Ukrainian Weekly.

Why was the document created? 

  • To express the author take on the 1968.

Why is the document a primary source?

  • The document  is a primary source because it give first hand account and his opinion of the subject matter, as a person that has live through those times.

How trustworthy is the source

What other questions might you ask of the source in order to better understand what it reveals about the events of 1968?

  • If I could ask my source questions I would ask him what was his view on the elections before and after the War. Next, if he voted who did he voted for, and why? Third questions, would he still had fought in the Vietnam knowing what he know now? Why did he join the army, was he a volunteers or he got drafted. What was his take on the death of Doctor Martin Luther King. Jr. What are his stances on each candidate and what he satisfy with the outcome of the election.

If you were going to be constructing an argument about the relationship between the cultural conflict embodied by the artifact you’re presenting and the 1968 election, what other artifacts would you look for? How might you go about finding them? What other background reading would you need to do? What other questions would you ask?

  • If I were to construct an argument about the relationship between the cultural conflicts embodied by the artifact I presenting and the 1968 election, other artifacts I would look to include in my presentation is other Vietnam War Veterans view on the 1968 election. I would reach out to Vietnam War Veterans through email or mail and conduct an interview with a Vietnam War Veteran I knew from my gym. In addition I would research books, article, journal or diaries written by former Veterans regarding their views on the 1968 election in. I would go about my research by going to my local library, Baruch library and New York Public Library and look for documents written by the Vietnam War Veterans and email or mail the author if I have further questions. The background reading, I would need to do is read about the key debate issues in the 1968 election, and the stances each candidate took on the Vietnam War. As well as research how did the Vietnam War have on the elections.  The questions I would ask are how has the war change your views on toward life, society and politics. Any things you would do differently, if you were given the chances. What are you views on the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Did you think the Vietnam War was justify.



Salute, Widow, and Soldier. [entry-title]

I found this image in the apimages.com. This image is taken by a anonymous sources on Wednesday, October 16, 1968, but its copyrighted by  Corbis Corporation. This image related itself to the “cultural conflict” of 1968 because it show that racial injustice  is still an important issues even after the passing of civil right act in 1964.


Tommie Smith and John Carlos, gold and bronze medalists in the 200-meter run at the 1968 Olympic Games, engage in a victory stand protest against unfair treatment of blacks in the United States. With heads lowered and black-gloved fists raised in the black power salute, they refuse to recognize the American flag and national anthem. Australian Peter Norman is the silver medalist.(Copyright Bettmann/Corbis / AP Images)

The main point of this source is to get a first hand view at the effect of the Vietnam War. In a interview with Dava Ensell, a widow of a Vietnam veteran whom died in the Vietnam War with Journalist Joanne Kovace in the magazines Off Our Back title, “War Casualty:Gold Star Wife” state

It’s a mistake. I used to be for the war. I thought our country back in the revolution with the British was helped by the French. I figured we were doing the same for the South Vietnamese. But then it dawned on me that these people didn’t want help. They just wanted to be left alone to farm. They didn’t care if it were a democracy or communism. They didn’t care. They weren’t even fighting so why should we have our men killed for nothing. If any part of our mainland were attacked, then I could see war would be justified, like World War Two. But to go thousands of miles away is wrong. Men are getting killed for no reason. In my opinion if the politicians and the big business men, who are making money, would go in there and fight with the ground troops for one day that war would be over the next day. There are no two ways about it. They are keeping their own kids out of it.

This article relate back to the 1968 cultural conflict by exposing the damaging effect of war on a family. This article is published in May 27, 1971 and copyrighted by Off Our Backs, Inc.
“A Personal Memoir:1968, the watershed year” written by Kupchinsky Roman, Published in the Urkainian Weekly on July 27, 2008. Copyrighted by the Ukrainian National Association. In this memoir, Mr. Roman talks about his experience as a US soldier in the Vietnam War and his thinking about the year 1968. This relate back to the 1968 issues because it gave a first person view of parts of 1968.

1968 was the year my generation came of age. “The Year of the Monkey” was the year of dramatic, often hopeless; uprisings, brutal assassinations, riots, strikes and civil disobedience that challenged society’s ironclad beliefs and redefined for the coming generation the meaning of such terms as “democracy,” “socialism” and “national liberation.”



DS106 IS .........awesome? [entry-title]

By leedanger from gifsoup.com


This gif was my initial reaction when I first visited the ds106 website. From the very first moment when I click on the ds106 link from the assignment page, I was confuse and dumbfounded because I didn’t know where to start and how off. I thought to myself, here is this website with a vast amount of information, how can I gather the information I needed to for my assignment.

After doing some searches around the site, I found out that ds106 is a digital storytelling online class open to all people.  The design of ds106 goal is to help participants establish an online identity, while documenting their process on blogs and sharing ideas and engaging in discussion with their peers.

After I got familiar with the ds106, I feel like the approach the ds106 community takes on intellectual property, fair use, and network ethics is pretty much nonexistent, where the only guideline i found was the “Honor Code“.

“Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the letter and spirit of the Honor Code. A violation of the Honor Code is a very serious matter.”

Which to me is a very broad statements, in which I felt participant are expect to know “better”.  I don’t necessarily think this is a bad thing because I believe that where there are less rules and guideline in place, user are able to express more freely and creatively. In which I think ds106 community has achieve. For instance, when I was browsing through the site, I found the content created for participant, unique and distinctive. One example is the visual remix of Grant Wood’s painting American Gothic with Twight charcter Edward and Bella created by Darren Crovitz.

By Darren Crovitz (Visual Remix)

To answering the second part of the question, ” How does this community understand the “Commons”?”,  I took to twitter and found some interesting  tweets by Jim Groom and Alan Levine , which I think could be apply to the community understanding of the common. In which I came to the conclusion that the ds106 community understanding of  the common is to experience it first hand and get involve, through weekly or daily assignment and assignment bank. By having user creating content and sharing it with anyone who can access it, its enhance the idea of  “a shared storehouse of human creations” as Daniel J Cohen and Coy Rosenzweig talk about in Digital History “Owning The Past”.


Overall I think ds106 is a great site for people to learn and establish themselves on the web through blogging, making gifs, visual remixes , mash up and etc. As well as making the web a collective tool to educate the masses.

Final words, I would like to thank Mr. Groom, Mr.Levin, Mrs.Burtis and Mr.Branson for taking out to response to my tweets and my classmate tweets.




In the  BuddyPress.doc “Digital History Lexicon” document, we were asked by the professors to define terms associate with digital history. This was a new experience for me because this is the first time I was ever assign with a task to edit a document with my peers.

When I first visited the BuddyPress doc page, I saw a lot of the words has been fill out except for hypertextuality/ nonlinearity, so I decide define it, by rereading  Dan Cohen and Roy Rosenzweig, Digital History, 2005,Introduction,”. Next, I gave an example of hypertextuality by creating a link from that page to facebook.com. Following that I decide to add to inaccessibility because I felt like there’s could be said on that word.

I believe that using this tool for collaborative work has both negative and positive.  The positive is that the different view people bring to the table. The diversity of people can bring a new perspective on an idea and issues or in this case, a definition of a word and the concept the author uses it in. The negative of this tool is that only one person is able to edit it at a time.  It’s a negative because if everyone log on at the same time to edit the document, it would create long wait. Like traffic, no one likes to wait.

Overall, I find that editing the document with my fellow peers is an interesting and new experience.