Blog Post 2

Can Hillary Clinton Still Win The Election? 5 Fast Facts You Need To Know


Ever since the results of the presidential election, news articles and people all around the country have been constantly talking about America’s future with Donald Trump. Many democrats are still in shock with Trump’s victory and are blatantly throwing dirt on Trump’s name whenever he comes up in conversation. One miracle that many people are hoping for is the chance for Hillary Clinton to be elected president. This can possibly happen if the electoral college ends up voting in favor of Hillary Clinton on the 19th of December.

Currently, there is a online petition that is attempting to get electoral college voters to ignore their states’ votes and vote for Hillary. Hillary won the popular vote by 500,000 votes, yet still lost the election. The petition is using that as one of its main arguments to get the electoral college to vote Hillary into presidency. Overall, the chances of Trump losing his presidency seem very slim and appears to be quite the long shot. I am quite interested to see what Trump will do in the next 4 years to benefit America’s future. Hopefully, his presidency will not be as dreadful as some people expect it to be.

10 thoughts on “Blog Post 2

  1. While it is interesting, I doubt Hillary will be elected by electoral colleges. To my understanding, the electoral colleges were the people who put Trump in the white house (figuratively speaking of course). Why would they change their mind during a re-vote? Another thing we need to consider is the possible reaction from Trump supporters. If they are already causing hate crimes now, imagine what they would do if Hillary won a re-vote. Honestly, I think the only thing America can do now is brace itself.

  2. Although I am not satisfied with the 2016 election and will be more than happy if Hillary Clinton becomes our president, I don’t think Donald Trump losing his presidency is possible. As Sherman mentioned, the electoral college put Donald Trump in the white house. Therefore, it is very unlikely for them to change their mind. Also, if this petition does work and it kicks Trump out of office, I fear that there will be a huge uproar.

  3. Whenever I’m on Facebook, I always see articles that say that there is a loophole for Hillary to become president. Like mentioned in the previous comments , I don’t think Hillary has a chance, as of now, in becoming president. She had previously run in the 2008 election, but was also unable to be elected. To us, Clinton may be a better candidate when compared to Trump, but she might continue to be short 1% if she tries to run in another presidential election.

  4. Clinton’s victory over Trump is something the majority of Americans wanted but as a divided nation, we have let one another down by electing Trump as our 45th president. The possibility of Clinton becoming President as a result of winning the popular vote is highly unlikely as it would defeat the purpose of the electoral college. But in the scenario that this does occur, it may destroy the foundation of the electoral college. It would make no sense to do a one time thing, elect a nominee based on popular vote. Although this is something we’d all like for, the best America can do right now is to hope that Trump does not bring our country into turmoil.

  5. I’ve been feeling the same way lately that hopefully this won’t be the awful presidency that everyone is imagining. I also don’t think that there will be a change in presidency and that even though the popular vote was in favor of Hillary there won’t be enough time to change from the electoral college to just going by the popular vote no matter how many people want it to change. Also I am not sure if you heard but one of the representatives of Texas a state that voted majority Trump won’t be casting his representative vote for trump but instead for Hillary. This isn’t very common among the electoral college sides for a few states that split their votes equally amongst the percentage of voting in their state. I like your points though and the fact that so many people signed that petition.

  6. I also think that the petition is unlikely to be successful. Even if Trump does lose his presidency, I believe that many people are going to be unsatisfied with Hillary Clinton’s many scandals as well. In fact, most Americans are starting to accept the reality that Trump is going to be our next president, including myself. As you said, let’s hope that he is not going to take issues to the extreme as he has campaigned during the election.

  7. Although Hilary won the popular vote, the chance of changing the electoral college votes is not likely. They will have to vote in favor of their party’s agenda and allow the Republican to have the majority in the different branches. Thus, allowing the republican party to stay in power for a few years. But Trump being president, it is a shakeup to the political atmosphere. We just have to vote during the midterm elections for the democratic candidates to shift the power in the judicial branch.

  8. Yeah, it is definitely unlikely that the electoral votes would change. But since he will be our president we have to make the best of it. Honestly, him becoming president might not be the worst. it’s possible his policies might actually “make America great again”. Which would be quite interesting.

  9. I have seen the petition and the last time I saw it, an enormous amount of people have signed it, with hopes for the electoral college to vote in favor of Hillary Clinton, and I am sure that the number of signatures have gone up tremendously. Many people are making steps such as protesting, spreading their concerns through popular platforms such as social media sites, and contributing to petitions like these. Ever since the results of the election, many people have expressed their concerns of the electoral college system and the idea how not every vote counts under the system. While it may be unlikely that we will end up seeing a switch to a Clinton presidency due to this petition, regardless it is important to speak up on what we think is politically important and this petition is the echo of the voices of many Americans speaking up.

  10. I agree that the changing the electoral votes in Hillary’s favor is slim to none. We need to accept the fact that Trump is our president for the next 4 years and we can’t do anything about it but be hopeful for a better future. I agree with Sherman regarding the reaction of Trump supporters. We need to prioritize our safety more than anything. If Hillary somehow does win the re-vote, hate crimes will go up and there will be so much chaos. We need to avoid putting ourselves in that position and just accept our current situation.

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