Blog Post #2

Throughout the 2016 presidential election, Trump received a lot of disapproval from the media, citizens of the United States, as well as people overseas. Despite that; however, Trump was elected and he will be president in a month.

What surprises me most about him being elected is that he shows no image of being a good president. Before the campaign, as well as throughout the campaign, Trump constantly made inappropriate comments towards women and racial minorities. Sure, he has the freedom to make any comments he wishes, but as a president, he should learn what should be kept to oneself. If he wants to be accepted by the citizens of the United States, he should put in more effort and make wiser decisions.

In a Huffington Post article titled “Donald Trump Will Be President In Just Over A Month And The Constitution Is Already Under Attack,” the author discusses Trump’s attitude towards the Constitution and the Amendments. Its author, Sam Levine, offers examples of how Trump has disregarded the rights of people given by the Constitution. He brings up Trump’s statement towards Muslims entering the United States, mentioning that Trump’s statement is an attack on the First Amendment and other constitutional protections. The article further makes me believe that Trump is not fit for the position.

What kind of democracy would we be living in if the president ignores the rights of the people and goes even further by trying to take it away. The idea of democracy has changed so drastically and makes me question if it even exists .



8 thoughts on “Blog Post #2

  1. Although I agree that Trump might not be fit to be like other presidents, he is still very knowledgeable in the issues that I believe are currently the most critical in politics. This includes his improvements on the current status of the American economy. It definitely does not allow him to make the comments that he has made towards certain groups such as Muslims and women. The least that he could do is respect the Constitution in his speeches and try to refrain from saying the negative comments that he constantly creates.

  2. I think this is an interesting topic to write about since it truly stunned people that Trump was elected president. In fact, everyone was really against him, they really thought that he was not going to win at all. Factoring into account the xenophobic comments he makes, the media genuinely thought that he was not going to win. Going into what a Trump victory means, the media might have to start focusing on what we the people can do about it. We cannot necessarily change the fact that he is going to be president, and probably cannot do much about the people he appoints in office, however I believe that as a democracy we might be able to unite and be there for each other. The media that falsely predicted his victory should focus on what we can do now that he has won.

  3. After reading this I know how your feeling, I too am scared for our country and what he might do with it. I think we shouldn’t worry so much about him as much as who he is appointing to his cabinet. Trumps ideas can get easily molded because of his lack of experience so the people that he is surrounding himself with is what we should be cautious about. With all the radical republicans that he is appointing, hopefully the congress will see that the ideas are too radical and won’t pass any of them, leaving our country at a standstill for the next four years. Be optimistic it may not seem like the best situation that could happen but maybe it will not ruin our country.

  4. It is true that the upcoming Trump presidency is disappointing and terrifying for many Americans, however, I believe that our country’s democracy is still going to be under protection since most his political decision has to be approved by the Congress in order for them to enforced. Also, I noticed from the news that Trump is taking back a lot of things that he has said in the campaign, perhaps in an effort to learn how to speak properly as a President, and I hope that he can behave and make decisions properly in the future as well.

  5. One of the biggest concerns with Donald Trump is the issue that he is threatening the constitutional principals that our founding fathers created for this country. Although many different interpretations of the Constitution have been made which benefit many Americans, especially minority groups, the statements Trump has made about different margins of people, have threatened the essential rights given by the Constitution. It is extremely disturbing that our upcoming President has made such statements about women, racial minorities, immigrants and the LGBTQ community and it is necessary for Americans to rise up together to speak up that this behavior is not acceptable as a President should never exclude and discriminate against groups of people in this country.

  6. The Trump presidency is one of the most interesting turn of events. I agree with raymond pietzak’ s statement that the people surrounding Trump is very important and needs to be a stopping factor when Trump makes rash comments against muslims and illegal immigrants. He doesn’t believe that his comments influence the public. But now that he is president, it is a precedent that it is simply okay to target these groups. On the news, there have been increasing reports of hate crimes in NYC and that should not be the norm even if the president makes negative comments against these groups.

  7. I agree with you that Trump must be aware of what he says in public. He should be aware that anything he says will be brought up in the media and, therefore, he needs to be wise and not say anything inappropriate. He is already under the radar for many groups of people such as the Muslims and the Latinos. Although they are minorities in this country, he should be treating every citizen equally. Now that he is the president, I think the only thing we can do now is hope. We can only hope that the congress doesn’t let him pass any of his radical laws and we can hope that all citizens work together to keep this the amazing country that it already is.

  8. I do agree that trump doesn’t have a lot of political knowledge. And he has been saying a lot of things that are quite disturbing. But i believe that he can do great work while being president. I believe we still have a democracy as many voted for him. I feel that we all should give him a chance instead of not accepting him and make the best of his 4 years being president.

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