Should Students Learn About Climate Change in School

by Marcel Lhulier

Climate Change is something that is relatively new to mainstream media but, it is very relevant to our current lives. I have been taught about Climate change in high school because I took an environmental class my senior year but, other than that, I never was taught much about it other than that. It is a pressing issue that we should be informed about because it is very present within our lives. I volunteered on a farm two summers ago and there, I was taught by the farmers a lot of new information on climate change that I had not known before. I learned many details that showed me just how bad it is and how it is only getting worse. After this, I decided to take my environmental class and considered studying sustainability science in college. I still am interested in learning more about this topic in the future because I do not feel that I have learned enough about it.

I feel it is extremely important to teach more about this in school. Especially to younger kids in lower grades rather than waiting for them to get older before learning. It is a very relevant threat to us and even though you may not be able to do much about it when you are younger, it is still good to be aware of it throughout your life. Although it is not in full blast right now, it is escalating and will eventually be a very big issue.

One thought on “Should Students Learn About Climate Change in School”

  1. Im going to be straight honest in this comment but whatever happens, happens
    nothing good ever lasts long. Last time I checked the earth is how old ummm 4.543 billion years. Wow i really had to search that up. I think ya’ll can see my point and if there is an imaginary world where climate change does stop I don’t know how anyone would be able to stop the major powers from doing anything about it

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