Media Analysis- Demons by Imagine Dragons

Demons is a song by Imagine Dragons an American pop rock band from Las Vegas. This band consists of the lead singer Dan Reynolds, Wayne Sermon as a guitarist, bassist Ben Mckee, and finally drummer Daniel Platzman. This song consists of many symbolism that can be interpreted in different ways. One way I interpreted this song is that we all have a part of ourselves that we do not want our loved ones to see, hence why we call them inner demons which corresponds to the name of the song “Demons.” Day by day we confront these inner demons and sometimes we don’t always win which results in them getting out and harming the ones we love.

Throughout the song, there are many lines that show the narrator confronting and fighting against his inner demons. One example is this line, “I wanna hide the truth, I wanna shelter you, But with the beast inside, There’s nowhere we can hide.” From this, we can see that he is losing and eventually the bad element of his personality comes out. He tries his best to keep his loved one away from seeing it but it might be best for the narrator to stop burying it down and just let it out. Maybe by doing this the narrator can somehow resolve the conflict and move on.

At the very end of the song, the band uses a bit of religious metaphor with the following lines. “No matter what we breed, we still are made of greed, This is my kingdom come, This is my kingdom come.” From how I interpreted these lines, I think that what they are trying to say is that throughout life we always try our best to live life to its fullest. But throughout life, there are many struggles and times when you feel down. So you try your best to acknowledge them and from then on manage these problems and hopefully find an answer to them one day.

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