It is hard to learn without stopping to think about the notion that you are learning. That is what this last, rather small, unit is focused on. We are taking time to just think and sit with what we have done this semester.
We reflect to think about what we did and why we did it so as to develop a sophisticated system for responding to future situations where we apply what we learn.
In the context of our class, we are going to think about what we did and why we did it so as to develop a sophisticated system for responding to future situations where we write.
You’ll be asked to do this by completing the Experiential-Learning Document, which is a reflective writing assignment that asks you to stop and think about your goals, the goals of the course, the goals of the unit, and your previous reflective writing (the Midterm Learning Narrative). Then, after thinking about that, we think about what writing you did and how that writing helps to exemplify the goals you had, the course goals, and the goals you now have going forward.
On Blackboard in Course Documents>Assignment Prompts>Major Writing Projects, download the prompt for the Experiential-Learning Document. Read it through and let me know in a comment below if you have any questions about the assignment.
After commenting below, click the button to continue the module.
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I have no questions
I have no questions
I have no questions
I have no questions
I have no questions
I have no questions.
I have no questions.
I have no questions
I have no questions
I have no questions.