Okay, okay. Don’t stress out! You have your Literacy Narrative Revision due October 1. That is where the majority of your energy should be.
However, I am a big believer in thinking EARLY about things. Your first draft of your Rhetorical Analysis is due October 13. That’s a while from now, but I would still like you to start thinking about it now.
Right now, take a moment to read through the prompt for your Rhetorical Analysis assignment (see Blackboard>Assignment Prompts>Major Writing Projects>Rhetorical Analysis). Let me know if you have any questions.
Comment below with any questions you have for the prompt. If you do not have any questions, write “I don’t have a question” so I can give you credit for the task on this page.
This Thursday, September 24, one of the things you will submit is your proposal for your Rhetorical Analysis (see Blackboard>Assignment Prompts>Process Documents>Rhetorical Analysis Proposal). This is very informal, I just want you to tell me any initial ideas you have for this assignment in terms of the text that you want to analyze.
I don’t have a question
I don’t have a question
I don’t have a question.
I don’t have a question
I don’t have a question
I do not have a question.
I don’t have any questions
I don’t have any questions
I don’t have any questions
I don’t have any questions
I do not have any questions.
I don’t have any questions.