Assignments – Week #16

Hard to believe that we have reached the end of the semester!!! Luckily for you, most of your work for English 2150 is behind you. Here is the plan for this final week:

  • Creative Re-Mix: On Monday and Wednesday, you will be presenting your Creative Remix Projects to the class. Please plan ahead and figure out how you will be accessing any audio/visual materials during your presentation. I recommend either posting a link to your materials here on the blog, placing your Creative Re-Mix in your personal English 2150 Google Drive Folder, or sending your materials to me at Get to class a few minutes early in order to make sure that everything is ready for your presentation.
  • End of Semester Reflection and Grade Proposal: After our final class on Wed, 5/15, your final responsibility for English 2150 is to complete your End of Semester Reflection and Grade Proposal. Please set aside at least 30 minutes for this, and do not try to do it on your phone!!! As I explained at the beginning of the semester, you will be assessing and evaluating your own performance this semester, taking into account the quality of your work, the effort you’ve made, the consistency of your performance, your contributions to class, the seriousness and maturity of your approach to learning, and other relevant metrics. Based on your own self-assessment, you will be proposing the grade that you believe you have earned this semester. While I do reserve the right to adjust that grade (up or down) if there is a wide gap between how you see your own performance and how I see it, in most cases, the grade that you propose will be the one that I submit to the Registrar. In order for me to meet my deadlines, your End of Semester Reflection and Grade Proposal must be completed by midnight on Monday, May 20th. In the event that you do NOT complete this reflection by Monday, I will assume that you have waived the privilege of proposing your own grade and will assign you a grade in the traditional way.
  • Staying in Touch: If you need to speak with me over the next two weeks, feel free to reach out via email or request an appointment. Beyond this semester, please know that my door (both literal and metaphoric) is always open to my students, so do not hesitate to reach out any point if you need advice, academic support, letters of recommendation, or just want to say hello. I will not be teaching over the summer, but will be checking my Baruch email regularly.

Congratulations on reaching (almost) the end of your first year of college!!! It is a real achievement, and you should be proud of yourselves, even if the path has been bumpy at times.

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