Monthly Archives: April 2024

Assignments – Week #12

Monday, April 15th: Drafts Due! Come to class with three copies of your draft printed out. We are back in our regular room.

Wednesday, April 17th: Bring your drafts with you to class together with your Peer Review Worksheets. We will be working with our drafts and also discussing the Creative Re-Mix Project.

Sunday, April 21st: Analytical Research Papers Due. Place your completed draft in your personal English 2150 Google Docs Folder. Be sure to give the file a name that makes clear what it is.

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Classwork – Wednesday, April 10th

We are taking advantage of being in the Computer Lab again and completing today’s classwork electronically. Use the links below to access the two separate assignments you will be completing. Once you have accessed the original file, make a copy of it to complete on your own. Place your completed Working with Sources document and your completed Progress Report in your personal English 2150 folder.

  1. Working with Sources:
  2. Progress Report:

Reminder: You are required to use a minimum of four sources for this paper. At least one of these sources must be a source you accessed through the Newman Library. Additionally, one of your sources should be a “non-traditional” source. (This might mean film or video, a social media post, an interview you conduct yourself, a photograph, etc….)

If you are absent on April 10th, you can find the MLA Guidelines we will be following for this assignment on the blog, under the “Writing and Language Resources” tab at the top of the blog.

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Assignments – Week #11

This week is focused on researching and drafting your Analytic Research Papers.

  • Monday, April 8th: Meeting in the Vertical Campus in Room 6-145. Use Newman Library Databases to identify sources for research.
  • Wednesday, April 10th: Meeting in Vertical Campus, Room 6-145. We will be reviewing the guidelines for in-text citations and Works Cited list. Please have one source available to you that you will be using for your paper.
  • Monday, April 15th: Drafts Due!!! Please bring three copies of your draft with you to class (back in our regular room) — No excuses. Late drafts will not be accepted.
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Reminder – Room Change !!!!

On Monday, April 8th and Wednesday, April 10th, we will be meeting in room 6-145 in the VC. This room is computer lab, and both days will be important work sessions. Come to class on Monday with your clearly articulated “Guiding Question”, ready to research your topic using the resources of Baruch’s Newman Library. Be sure to have any other work you’ve done on your research paper (outlines, preliminary research, lists of sub-questions, etc..) accessible to you during these sessions.

Remember, your drafts are due on Monday, April 15th, so we want to make the most of every day!

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Three Topic:

  • Lab-grown meat vs. Farm grown meat
  • How can choosing the right foods prevent brain degenerative diseases?
  • How can over-eating some foods affect the immune system?
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3 topics

  • – Social media influencing diet and standards
  • – Sugar intake
  • – Food businesses impacted from social media
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Brandon Danilovich – 3 Ideas

  • The impact social media has on food businesses.
  • Are artificial sweeteners really better than sugar in the long run?
  • To what extent does diet affect your mental health?
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Assignments – Week #10

  • Monday, April 1st: Three Topics posted to blog before class. These should be three ideas that you are genuinely interested in considering for your Analytical Research Paper. Take a look at the broad categories mentioned on your assignment sheet, and think about the ideas your group generated on Wednesday if you feel stuck.
  • Wednesday, April 3rd: Proposals Due. Please come to class on Wednesday with a hard copy of your Research Proposal. Additionally, place the file containing your research proposal in your personal ENG 2150 folder. That way, I will be able to give you feedback on your proposal before next Monday’s class. A Research Proposal is a short document that lays out what you hope to explore in your Analytical Research Paper. It should include both your Guiding Question (the central question that you are asking in this paper) as well as sub-topics or sub-questions that you expect to address in the paper. Your proposal should also explain why this is an important topic to explore and an important question to be asking.
  • Monday, April 8th: We will be meeting in the Vertical Campus in room 6-145, a computer lab. In this “working session” we will be reviewing how to use the Newman Library’s online databases and discussing how to find and evaluate sources. The more work you do ahead of this session, the more progress you will be able to make. I recommend coming to class with a preliminary outline for your paper. This will allow you to organize the material you encounter in your research into the appropriate sections of the essay before you actually start drafting your essay.
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3 Ideas – Steven Ma

Comparing different sugar levels in different brands of cereals.

Fat content in different types of cooking oil.

Protein content in different types of milk.

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