T.S. Eliot, “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”

–The poem opens, “Let us go then, you and I….” Whom do you think the speaker is addressing here?
–What is Prufrock’s relationship to time?
–Look at the description of the yellow smoke in the second and third stanzas of the poem. What do you make of this description?
–“I have measured out my life with coffee spoons,” laments Prufrock. What do you think this line means?
–Describe the overall mood of the poem. What feelings does it leave you with?
–In the final lines of the poem, the speaker shifts from “I” to “We.” How do we explain this shift?

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14 Responses to T.S. Eliot, “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”

  1. s.mccalpin says:

    The poem opens, “Let us go then, you and I….” Whom do you think the speaker is addressing here?

    The speaker may be addressing the female counterpart in which he wishes to pursue in this poem. As he hopes for some kind of in the moment love affair with this woman who appears to be the center of his interest throughout this poem.

  2. d.patterson1 says:

    There are two yellow ephemera described – the smoke and the fog. Both “rub” upon the window pane, yet only the smoke persists into the third stanza to slide “across the street.” The smoke follows Prufrock, is it from his coffee? His cigarette (remember the mentions of the butts of his life)? The fog is atmospheric and thus escapes from the dreary city but the smoke persists because its found in Prufrock’s wake. The city alters itself around his stroll, moving through time that’s measured both by the phenomenal, “eyes seen,” coffee spoons, etc. and the temporal days, years, etc. Thus the yellow fog passes with the scenery but the smoke arising from Prufrock like a chimney stack persists. The yellow ephemera have a body – made of a back and a muzzle (implying a mouth) – like a rabid dog or, in the theme of Prufrock’s lamentation, a masochist. Why is it yellow? Jaundiced eyes reflected in the air possibly. Or if the ephemera haunt Prufrock, than the color of Sunflower haunts the spectral gasses with the coloring of oxymoron.

  3. “I have measured out my life with coffee spoons,” laments Prufrock. What do you think this line means?

    I believe this line represents a scheduled routine of a life. To measure our lives with coffee spoons may insist a workaholic sense of life as well show that there are no other means to measure it. It’s as though there are no choices being made and Prufrock is going a day by day routine with no motive on changing it. He has calculated his time precisely and controlled which all in all reflect that of “measured” spoons of coffee.

  4. s.sahmanovic says:

    –“I have measured out my life with coffee spoons,” laments Prufrock. What do you think this line means?

    I believe Prufrock is referring to the simplicity and predictability of his life. He uses “measured” to imply control and depicts the “coffee spoons” to emphasize his modest lifestyle. Prufrocks actions throughout the poem suggest that he fears situations that are unconventional and where he lacks control. His desire to pursue a woman is hindered by his underlying insecurities.

  5. Ed says:

    Describe the overall mood of the poem. What feelings does it leave you with?

    The overall mood of the poem is definitely eerie. Prufrock is a disturbed individual that seems to have needs, but never decides to act on any of them. He is insecure, as he talks negatively about his physical features. He brings up his legs and bald spot and there is a line where he even says, “I grow old… I grow old…”. Women are brought up multiple times and even then he still procrastinates as he never makes a move. His excuse is always “there will be time”, which we all know time eventually comes to an end for humans.

  6. Richard Sam says:

    What is Prufrock’s relationship to time?

    Prufrock believes as if time is almost endless. He acquires a problem with prolonging his desires and predicts he can always complete his tasks. He makes a comparison to wanting to eat the peach but never actually takes action. I believe the peach refers to talking to women and finally be out of his comfort zone. Prufrock attains a low self esteem as he describes himself as a skinny man who tends to be balding. Due to Prufrock’s procrastination his life is on hold from acquiring to eat the peach.

  7. aa100853 says:

    Look at the description of the yellow smoke in the second and third stanzas of the poem. What do you make of this description?

    The yellow smoke/fog is described as a cat. It lingers outside the building and rubs its “muzzle” along the window pane. Similar to Prufrock, the cat wants to engage with the people inside the room, but it can not enter, it is stuck outside. While Prufrock is not stuck outside, he is stuck in his own thoughts. The cat is described as soot-covered and eventually wanders away. It is non-confrontational like Prufrock and since cats are associated with femininity, the association also serves to emasculate him. This is one of three animal associations in the poem. Prufrock also describes himself as an insect being scrutinized and judged by people, and as a crab scuttling along the seafloor away from society.

  8. c.colavito says:

    Describe the overall mood of the poem. What feelings does it leave you with?

    The mood of “The Love Song of Alfred Prufrock” is certainly depressing and wallowing. Alfred Prufrock lacks any kind of self confidence, self worth and is definitely a pessimist . He continuously acknowledges his flaws rather than ever noticing the positives he brings to the table. Prufrock is very insecure about his looks, he is stuck thinking about his thinning hair, skinny frame and even is down about the fact that he is not of the higher class. Prufrock is stuck on all the things that he himself cannot control. This poem is certainly relatable to many people to this day, being that mental health is as big of an issue as it is today and many have self esteem issues holding them back from being themselves.

  9. Judith says:

    “I have measured out my life with coffee spoons,” laments Prufrock. What do you think this line means?

    This line perhaps means that Prufrock has measured out an exact portion of a never changing effort to change his lifestyle. He does not see his life in another way and has measured out even his future. He is not someone who is spontaneous and or would do something extreme. He stayed in line and lives to an exact dose.

  10. Jean says:

    “I have measured out my life with coffee spoons,” laments Prufrock. What do you think this line means?

    Prufrock mentions the predictability of his life. Measuring his own life with coffee spoons details the repetitive melancholy nature of his day to day life. The whole story is a description on his anxiety and insecurity of his life, how everything is measured and predicted without any risks taken for the sake of the unknown.

  11. Kunal Sharma says:

    The poem opens, “Let us go then, you and I….” Whom do you think the speaker is addressing here?

    The “you” in this poem is ambiguous. It could be another person Prufrock is speaking to with whom he is going to the party. He could be talking to himself. He could even be inviting the reader to accompany him on his journey. Whatever the case, T. S. Eliot establishes with this opening line the idea that Prufrock is addressing or talking to someone who never answers back.

  12. –Describe the overall mood of the poem. What feelings does it leave you with?

    If I were to describe the mood of the poem by using colors, then I would say it’s dark and grey. It’s depressing and full of doubt. He doesn’t dare to take action about this woman, he is full of insecurities and anxiety and wonders if it is worthy to take that step.

  13. r.hoffmann says:

    –“I have measured out my life with coffee spoons,” laments Prufrock. What do you think this line means?

    I believe that he is saying his life has been simple and uneventful as well as safe. What I mean by this is that he did not take many or any risks. The line is saying that he measures his life out with coffee spoons and what I believe he means is that he did everything with thought and knew the expected results. His life was measured, careful and calculated without much risk involved.

  14. l.qi says:

    “I have measured out my life with coffee spoons,” laments Prufrock. What do you think this line means?
    This line implies how Pryfrock’s life is like:lack of surprise and is a routine everyday life. With this daily life , the time has gradually passed and thus , his life is gone gradually. I think there is some regret there , cause there is not very much suprise in his life . He does imagine himself going to talk with fine-cultured women , but he isn’t brave enough.

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