“The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” by T.S. Eliot, Edward Monge

In the text, “The Love Song of Alfred J Prufrock”, we are exposed to Prufrock. A man who is insecure, procrastinates and is lonely. His physical features are brought up multiple times. His bald spot, age and legs are specific features that are brought up. He seems to never be able to make decisions. Women are constantly brought up which is probably because he has no one by his side. His excuse is always that “There is more time”, which highlights his procrastination. The character of Prufrock can relate to many real-life people. I’ve personally had to deal with my aunt who was very ill. She ended up being in a wheelchair and at first it was difficult for her. She was insecure because she never thought she would end up in a wheelchair and it was embarrassing for her. She did not like the fact that she had to ask other people for help and was insecure because of this. She also procrastinated because of her illness. She held things off and didn’t have the same motivation she used to have. Everyday activities were suddenly pushed to the side. She was not able to go out for walks like she used to and didn’t get the same exposure to people. She became very isolated and lonely because of this. It was a difficult transition for her. Prufrocks character is not ill, but both go through similar obstacles such as insecurities, procrastination and loneliness.

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