In the wineshop

Text to real world connection

This short novel is written during the New Culture movement in China. In short, New Culture movement is all about new value against traditional value. In literature field, leaders of the movement want to give up using Confucianism in their work and use vernacular instead.While as for the political filed, they want to build a “ new China” , unlike republic of  china, “new China” needs to be more democratic and stronger.

The main character, wei-fu , used to be a fighter in Chinese revolution, has changed a lot. In the past, wei-fu and author went together to the Tutelary God’s Temple to pull off the images’ beards, how all day long we used to discuss methods of revolutionizing China until we even came to blows.  However, now, he has surrendered to the life and also, the traditional value . He has to go back to teach Confucianism he used to hate in the school.

While describing this character, though Lu doesn’t make any comment on the transformation of his old friend, I would like to believe that Lu is extremely  disappointed at him when he knows wei-fu gives up the value he used to believe in, since himself is one leader of new culture movement.

Through producing the implied criticism , Lu shows that revolution is not easy at all, especially with so much and heavy traditional value  stop you from fighting  , but Lu himself  will stick to what he believe in and never give up.

By making the statement clearly, this article moves a lot of Chinese. Furthermore, this article impact the real world deeply by  encouraging most of his readers to devote themselves in to upcoming revolution which aims to break the corrupt government and society.

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