Freshman Seminar Fall 17 DWB

Jennifer Fajardo’s Academic Blog Post #3

On October 26th our Art History professor took us to the Museum of Jewish Heritage. Because this class has about 100 students in it, we were split into smaller groups. My tour guide was so nice and passionate about the museum which really made me enjoy this museum trip. Throughout my time at the museum, I was able to learn about the genocide that affected Jewish people living across Europe during the holocaust. We were able to see a variety of art pieces that have sentimental stories attached to them. I remember wandering off at some point to listen to one of the audio recordings and just hearing what had happened put me in an angry mood  because I just could not understand why someone would go through such extreme lengths to cause harm to a group of people.

Going to the museum was such an amazing experience because we learned so much and it was cool to see how some of the things we learned in class could be applied to the artwork we saw at the museum. This was one of the most memorable museum trips I’ve had because towards the end of the tour we were able to meet a holocaust survivor. Hearing her talk about her experiences and how they have affected her was so interesting to me. I’ve never met a holocaust survivor but now that I have, I will definitely remember it.

Jennifer Fajardo’s Career Blog Post 2

Hi everyone!

Booklet the lady gave me

I went during walk-in hours to the Starr Career Development center to have my resume reviewed and polished. I was nervous when I walked into the office because everyone was dressed up. I thought that my resume was really bad and I feared that the person who was going to review it would tell me to change everything. But I was wrong. I was greeted by a nice lady and she told me a little bit about herself. When I walked into her small office she told me to bring out my current resume. She looked at it for a while and told me that it looks pretty good but that I should change the format a little as well as the wording for some leadership activities I took part in. I had to make minor changes which wasn’t a big deal because it meant less work for me. She gave me a booklet as a reference if I needed immediate help with writing a cover letter or updating my resume. During our conversation she told me how impressed she was to see a freshman so early in the semester at the Starr center because she rarely meets with them.

After we were doing looking at my resume I asked her if she could show me how to navigate the Starr website because it was confusing for me. I found out which sections I need to fill out on the profile and I learned how to filter through all the internships to find the right match. Overall, it was a great experience and I will definitely go back again for an interview and cover letter workshop. Although I’m just a first year student, I can already see myself using the Starr center a lot because of the amazing resources they provide.

Student Life

This image requires alt text, but the alt text is currently blank. Either add alt text or mark the image as decorative. Me with the Marketing VP of UNICEF at Baruch.

I’ve spent the majority of my high school career being part of philanthropic organizations and it’s something I truly enjoy because of all the different people and perspectives I come across. Partaking in philanthropic clubs taught me so much about the world we live in and about myself, so I chose to attend UNICEF’s general interest meeting to find out exactly what is it they do. It turned out to be really inspiring and fun.

The meeting opened up by them introducing themselves followed by pizza and soda. After we were done eating they showed us an emotional but powerful video that depicted the struggles of children all over the world. It was honestly very sad because it resonated with me, after the video finished they went onto explain all of the fundraising events they hold to raise awareness for the disadvantaged children across the globe. To name a few fundraising events: Trick or Treat for Unicef, International Food Fair, Snowflake Ball, etc. They then proceeded onto an icebreaker in which we had to break up into groups and come up with three things we all had in common. My group didn’t win but it was still fun because the group that did was so specific on what they had in common that everyone laughed when they said it out loud.

I had the opportunity to meet international students during this meeting and talk with some of the board members which was exciting. I had a great time at the meeting and I do see myself becoming a member of UNICEF at Baruch because of the message they want to spread across the school. I want my college experience at Baruch to be one where I am actively involved in clubs that want to make a difference in peoples lives; UNICEF at Baruch.