Freshman Seminar Fall 17 DWB

Student Life

This image requires alt text, but the alt text is currently blank. Either add alt text or mark the image as decorative. Me with the Marketing VP of UNICEF at Baruch.

I’ve spent the majority of my high school career being part of philanthropic organizations and it’s something I truly enjoy because of all the different people and perspectives I come across. Partaking in philanthropic clubs taught me so much about the world we live in and about myself, so I chose to attend UNICEF’s general interest meeting to find out exactly what is it they do. It turned out to be really inspiring and fun.

The meeting opened up by them introducing themselves followed by pizza and soda. After we were done eating they showed us an emotional but powerful video that depicted the struggles of children all over the world. It was honestly very sad because it resonated with me, after the video finished they went onto explain all of the fundraising events they hold to raise awareness for the disadvantaged children across the globe. To name a few fundraising events: Trick or Treat for Unicef, International Food Fair, Snowflake Ball, etc. They then proceeded onto an icebreaker in which we had to break up into groups and come up with three things we all had in common. My group didn’t win but it was still fun because the group that did was so specific on what they had in common that everyone laughed when they said it out loud.

I had the opportunity to meet international students during this meeting and talk with some of the board members which was exciting. I had a great time at the meeting and I do see myself becoming a member of UNICEF at Baruch because of the message they want to spread across the school. I want my college experience at Baruch to be one where I am actively involved in clubs that want to make a difference in peoples lives; UNICEF at Baruch.

2 thoughts on “Student Life”

  1. Hey Jennifer, I was always pretty interested in UNICEF and the things they had to offer, but I wasn’t sure if I wanted to join the club. After reading your blog I think that maybe I’ll go to the GIM next semester (or year? I don’t know when the next one is). The meeting sounded informative and fun, and I’m really interested in helping others.

  2. I am really glad that you found something you want to be a part of and be committed to. I am happy about your selflessness and your willingness to help others to make a difference. I was in my high school’s UNICEF Club for 2 years and all the fundraisers, clothing drives, and events we have held, although the impact was small, I felt like I was changing something. Clubs like UNICEF allow for the most ordinary of people to make a change, no matter the level.

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