ENG 2150 Gimme Shelter: the spaces we live in


April 24, 2013 Written by | 2 Comments


Bushwick is beautiful. There is no doubt about it. After living in this neighborhood for almost twenty years, I have come to this subjective conclusion. Beauty can be found in her people, her history, and her current culture. In my paper, I will attempt to explore the history of this neighborhood, especially in the last 100 years. I will research and explain the past, current, and future demographic trends. I would like to look particularly at this neighborhood in terms of it’s real estate as well. Why are costs rising? What will happen to the current residents? Where are the future residents coming from? To determine where Bushwick is going, one must know where it has been.

Categories: Uncategorized

2 responses so far ↓

  •   km148824 // Apr 24th 2013 at 9:04 pm

    The questions that you’re going to answer are great! It’ll add plenty details to your paper. Maybe it’ll also be a good idea to mention your personal experience as a resident of Bushwick. How has it impacted your life?

  •   jk150905 // Apr 25th 2013 at 12:09 pm

    Writing about the costs rising and the question of current and future residents are great ideas to include in the final essay. I think it will help the paper flow.