ENG 2150 Gimme Shelter: the spaces we live in

April 29, 2013 Written by | No Comments


I will be writing about Soundview, more specifically Clason Point located in the South East Bronx. The history of this area is quite intriguing because it has gone through a significant transition in the past century. Clason Point was once predominately constituted of wealthy white inhabitants. The area was a summer home and vacationing destination filled with cabarets, theaters, country clubs and trolly’s cars transporting the upscale to and fro. Clason Point then built an amusement park and became known as the “Coney Island of the Bronx”. As the years passed the population became a predominately low to middle class area. I would like to explain how this transition has come about and due to the transition the image of the community has lost its regality and been acquainted with crime. Crime is associated with this area because the outer districts of the Soundview area is filled with. However, the Clason Point section is a very quite and calm area. The point of the essay is to explain that the lowering of the economic setting of an area does not lower the quality of its inhabitants. The Clason Point area maintains the same awe to its new inhabitants as it did as “The Coney Island of the Bronx” to the previous gentry.

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