ENG 2150 Gimme Shelter: the spaces we live in


April 25, 2013 Written by | 1 Comment

The neighborhood I will be writing about will Chinatown, NYC! This is where I lived during my younger years of 1-7. I live in brooklyn now but its kind of like a second home and I’m going to tell you how it changed in the past decade in my view. I will also be going in depth in how exactly did it earn its rightful name of “Chinatown”. From when the history of when the first chinese immigrants came to NY, I want to show how Chinatown is the center of asian immigrant social, cultural, and recreational activity in NYC. Mainly I want to show how present day Chinatown that isnt just a neighborhood thats full of counterfeititems but it is also full of many traditional mom-n-pop restaurants that have their own specialties, you can yelp for years and still miss a tasty spot inthe cracks and crevices of Chinatown; the streets are packed with a tight knit and cultured community, hard-working people just looking for opportunity.

Categories: Uncategorized

1 response so far ↓

  •   im140749 // Apr 25th 2013 at 10:18 pm

    Cool. I heard a lot about Chinatown, but never have actually been there. I am interested in what you have to say about it and maybe I will visit it as well.