ENG 2150 Gimme Shelter: the spaces we live in

Final Paper: Upper East Side

April 25, 2013 Written by | 1 Comment


The area of Manhattan that I would like to write my final paper on is the Upper East Side.  The Upper East Side stretches from 59th Street to 96th Street and between Central Park and the East River.  The reason why I would like to write about the Upper East Side is because I live in the Baruch dorms which is right on the boarder of the Upper East Side.  I have experienced the area multiple times by walking around and seeing the neighborhood. As I was doing some research I have concluded that what I would like to talk about is how, in the past, the Upper East Side was thought of as an area where only wealthy white people lived.  I would also like to add how the neighborhood is now and how it has evolved over the years.  Using the sources discussed in class, I believe that I will have no problem finding the information to support my thesis.  If any of you have anything to add or mention, please do, I’m all ears.

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1 response so far ↓

  •   ANGELIKA PIENKOWSKA // Apr 25th 2013 at 11:07 am

    I think your thesis is great, a very unique approach. I agree that there is a misconception about the upper east side and a stereotype about the people that live there. I think it would be interesting to see how the neighborhood developed over time and how its no longer a area reserved only for the elite. You could also analyze how the media contributed to the stereotype. Your off to a great start!