ENG 2150 Gimme Shelter: the spaces we live in

Jackson Heights

April 25, 2013 Written by | 1 Comment

Jackson Heights is currently the neighborhood I reside in and it is pretty clear to a new set of eyes, that this neighborhood has no dominant ethnicity.  Jackson Heights is a complete collage of languages, cultures, ethnicities, religions, and overall people.  You can walk the 35 blocks that is Jackson Heights and encounter little villages from around the world.  There is a predominantly Middle-Eastern area, as well as Colombian, Dominican, Mexican, Greek and African-American areas.  The biggest question is how did such a neighborhood become such diverse and cultured community.  I will be looking at the history of the neighborhood as well as look for trends that determine the cultures living in Jackson Heights.  Recently there is a wave of Asian-Americans newly residing in the community, which brings the question of what attracts different ethnicities to the neighborhood.

Categories: Uncategorized

1 response so far ↓

  •   Syed Hannan // Apr 25th 2013 at 9:27 am

    I like the fact that your talking about diversity. I too am talking about the diversity in my neighborhood. I like your question of what attracts these ethnic groups to this neighborhood.