History 3072, History of Modern Latin America

Module 1 Assignment





Date Tree at Ures

John Russell Bartlet


In this image, it shows how life was like in the 1800s and that picture shows how people managed to establish their homes, as well as, managing the use of the outside world. Life in the 1800s was in many ways difficult, depending on what class you were, because the Spanish colonized certain countries and that the Spanish had the majority of control amongst the people in what they could do or what they couldn’t do. However, in some instances people had revolutions or some kind of resistance amongst the Spanish or against the government because of the situations that people were enduring amongst the colonizers and the people have had enough of the colonizers in trying to manipulate the government in order to maintain some kind of power against other countries. In some instances people who stood up against the colonizers, as well as, the government because they wanted a country to call their own and with their own government that can be fair, instead of being manipulated by the colonizers.

The reason why this painting stood out to me because of how vibrant it was and it also shows how life was like during the 1800s and that it is a painting of how lonely things were under colonizer rule. The painting also depicts how people struggled during the 1800s, as well as, it also shows the limitations of how people lived on the farmland. Although people had their limitations on how or what they can grow, however, they had to pay a huge price if they decided to go against the colonizers or the people who worked for the colonizers. Also, another reason why this painting stood out to me was how the painting depicted the people and that the people were somehow in a controlled environment, as well as, the painter chose the colors to paint the painting. 

I also noticed the lone;y tree in the middle of the field and I thought that the tree reminded me of how the people felt alone without any kind of help that was necessary in order to survive. Also, the buildings in the painting were kind of worn out, and that the people didn’t really have the right means in order to fix them, however, the most important part of the painting was the two people sitting in the middle. The two people in the middle look like they didn’t have much to own or they didn’t have much to own, as well as, they were oppressed by the colonizers and that they were drained from being overworked in the fields. The people looked sad in the painting and that they were forced into doing whatever the colonizers wanted them to do and if they didn’t do what they were asked/forced to do, they would be significantly punished, maybe being punished with a high tax or simply being punished by their necessities taken away from them so it can be harder to survive.