History 3072, History of Modern Latin America

The Bostonians paying the excise-man, or tarring and feathering

This picture from 1774 shows Commissioner of Customs John Malcolm being humiliated in public. In this picture this method of humiliation is called tarring and feathering. Tarring and feathering was a ritual of humiliation and public warning that stopped just before serious damage was done. The victims to this humiliation was British officials such as Malcolm and merchants who violated non importation by importing British goods.
There were many forms of public humiliation during the 1700s. Other forms of humiliation was daubing victim’s homes with cesspits, and damages against property. One example of daubing is burning down a victims’ home.
I chose this picture because it really stood out to me and the fact that commissioner John Malcolm was being attacked under the liberty tree by multiple patriots. Would also stood out to me was the Boston Tea party taking place in the background.