Learn | Make | Play
This website is a central hub for my teaching and you will find links to materials and resources that we will use in class. Online tutorials in 3D modeling, coding, robotics, circuitry and AR/VR will help you gain real-world skills and by embracing guided, self-learning principles, you will work on various projects throughout the semester. We will follow a design thinking inspired process for identifying problems and crafting unique solutions that are technologically feasible and have value to our intended audience.
As you embark on this journey, three qualities will help you maximize learning in my courses: asking questions, learning from failure, and persevering through road blocks.
While this website is focused on my teaching, my research focuses on how interactions between entrepreneurs, startups, and resources providers in the innovation ecosystem impact firm success. I am especially interested in the role startup accelerators play in aiding firm emergence.
Romi Kher, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Entrepreneurship & Innovation
ENT 3952: Designing for Innovation
ENT 5985: Entrepreneurship in the Wild (capstone course)
MGT 9967: Technology, Innovation & Design in High Growth Ventures
IDH 4050H: Feit Interdisciplinary Seminar