Jenny Luu

Next Steps…


People say that your college experience will be memorable. Now that the first semester is almost over, I can tell that these people are right. In my opinion, I matured more in three months of college than my fours years in high school. Being surrounded by intelligent, and competitive people made me love Baruch. Everyone is proud of who they are, and they are eager to state their opinions. I am able to see things in a different light reinforced by true passion. I was intimidated at first, but I admire the students.

I also learned to take advantage of the resources offered, such as the career center, writing center, library and staffs. In order to make the best of these resources, you have to take initiative and do your part. The resources are not going to come to you; you have to use it. The school offers so much, causing me to be hungry for information. I know that the way I use these resources will affect my future. The college is willing to hold my hand, it is up to me to take it.

There are numerous clubs and organizations at Baruch. I recently got involved in an organization called Toastmasters, which help improve public speaking skills. I have stage fright and Toastmasters gave me a lot of support to become a confident speaker. Clubs and organization is a great place to network. Since many people participate, I had the chance to get advice about college and career goals from upperclassmen.

I can see myself in Toastmasters in the next three years. Because of all the resources available at Baruch, I am confident that I will be prepared when I graduate. I look forward to my development in the next three years. As I have stated before, I matured greatly in just three months. I cannot wait for the next three years.

What does it mean to serve your community?

The Honors Program acts as a parental figure for Baruch Scholars, placing high expectations to create leaders. As a Baruch Scholar, we have responsibilities such as, keeping a high GPA, being involved in school functions and volunteering for the community. These obstacles challenges our ability to multi task and help us discover our potentials.

No matter how much we complain about our lives; we are lucky compared to many people. It is common to hear people complain about schoolwork, but at least we have schoolwork to complain about. In many countries there is a struggle to obtain education therefore, being able to attend college is a privilege. In addition to the many people who don’t have an education, there are many people who have to pay for their education. As Baruch Scholars, we are able to graduate without debt. Being so lucky, the least we can do is give back.

The Honors Program pushes Baruch Scholar to be active in their communities. Although, the community service requirement may seem like an assignment now, it is slowly shaping our future. When we graduate in 4 years, we will volunteer on our own. Our community service experience will become a part of our life styles. Not only does it encourage us to be good people, but also it exposes us to different views. It allows us to see how privileged we are, and how we should be grateful for everything around us. By understanding differences and being able to manage time will make us effective leaders.

Where Have You Been and Where Are You Going?

Throughout the 18 years I have been alive, I encountered various values and beliefs. The first set of values originated from my family. As soon as I was able to talk, they instilled the importance of respect and education in me, which reflects their Confucius background. I grew up believing that I have to respect people in order to receive respect, and education can affect my life. It is an intangible item with great value that I can take with me anywhere I go.

By age three, I was “expecting” a little brother, which means I was “expected” to be independent. My family’s Confucius background gave me new responsibilities, therefore I was “expected” to care for him in the future. At age three I was not thrilled to have a younger brother. Today, caring for him have became automatic for me. Without a second thought, I would make sure he eats and complete his homework daily. Having a younger brother taught me to be patient.

I was a shy girl, but high school helped me become more confident. I took part in various clubs and internships that gave me a “voice” so people would know that I exist. Taking part in these activities allows me to feel like I belong to something bigger.

I know that my experience at Baruch College will have an impact on my life. My goal for the first semester is to leave a good impression on my professors. I also want to find a club that I am passionate about, and stick to it for the next four years. Throughout my whole college experience, I look forward to completing my four years with a high gpa, in addition to finding myself. People say that college will expose you to many things, which will help me figure out who I want to be.