Vanity Fair in Vogue?

Kanye Kim

The upcoming issue of Vogue magazine, which is set to hit newsstands at the end of this month, features Kanye West and Kim Kardashian on the cover, and then apparently this beautiful picture inside, of a photographer taking a picture of Kanye taking a picture of Kim and North taking a picture… lol…  while I know this isn’t anything near groundbreaking news, or even a surprising move for most likely the most egocentric couple in Hollywood, I still believe it warrants consideration, if for nothing else than the comedy that can be found in how ridiculously vein this representation is.  Obviously most can surmise that we undoubtedly are living in one of the most narcissistic times ever, and in no small part because of the availability for exposure offered to us nowadays that we never had (mainly social media and the internet).  But you would think that there would be a line.  When is vanity being taken too far?  And I think that the message this picture sends is exactly that.  But I obviously don’t think that it should be taken any other way than comically – to take it too seriously would be petty.  I do feel like, though, it is a funny enough societal reflection to blog about, and a very real depiction of the times that we live in. How many people now will sit there with their iPad taking a picture of their wife taking a selfie with their newborn kid in front of the Eiffel Tower, or on top of the Empire State Building?  Hmmmmmmm =]

2 thoughts on “Vanity Fair in Vogue?

  1. Damla

    I will admit that I’m a little biased — I adoringly keep up with Kimye. I love how much Kanye loves Kim (see: the video for Bound 2) and how he gushes over North. That being said, I don’t really see anything wrong this photo shoot. I know Vogue is getting a lot flack for featuring the world’s most talked about couple on the cover, but still. I don’t really see anything wrong with Kanye taking a picture of his kid and his soon-to-be wife.

  2. dl133049 Post author

    Yeah, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with them being on the cover either. And I actually love Kanye’s music. But as a father figure, I don’t know. Lyrics like, ‘I impregnated your mouth girl,’ and ‘Have you ever asked your b*tch for other b*tches’ don’t exactly endear me to the notion of Kanye being a role model lol… but still, that’s not relevant here. I just find it funny that a couple known for their vanity and self-centered egos ironically have a picture of one of them taking a picture of the other 1 taking a picture with their baby lol. And I thought I’d share. That’s alllll =]

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