A New Master Plan for the Library – Input from Library Users Needed

Baruch College is undertaking an important study aimed at aligning our Library spaces with the changing needs of our users. The ultimate goal is to create a framework for phased renovation, adapting to the changing trends in how we teach and learn in a 21st century academic environment, that will enable increased collaborative and individual study, provide new and enhanced learning technologies and library services, and provide greater flexibility and choice of places to study and do work while maximizing the utilization of our space resources.

One of the critical first steps in exploring opportunities for improvement is to understand users’ needs and preferences. Over the next 3 months, we will conduct a number of activities aimed at better understanding these needs, including:

  1. Interviews and Workshops
  2. Online Library Performance Survey for Students, Faculty and Staff
  3. Observational Studies

Invitations for participation in these activities will be sent to members of the Baruch Community  shortly. Your input and support will be essential to the success of this transformational initiative.