Reference at Newman Library

Solution Found for Problem with Library Website within Blackboard

The problem reported on March 10 with library searches not working when the library website was viewed within the Blackboard frame has been fixed. Now, if students are logged into Blackboard and have clicked the “Baruch Library” link in the Blackboard navigation, they’ll get a message in Blackboard telling them that the library website will open up in a separate tab. If the browser settings are set to block block pop ups, they’ll have to change that or just copy and paste the library website URL that appears in the message that Blackboard now displays.

Here is a screenshot of that Blackboard message about the library website:

Blackboard--message when Baruch Library link is clicked

Library Website Dysfunctional within Blackboard (UPDATED)

See UPDATE Below

If you are logged into Blackboard and then click the link there for “Baruch Library,” the library website appears within the Blackboard frame. But if you try to run a search in the yellow search bar, the screen blanks out like this:

I’ve reported the problem to BCTC. We saw and fixed this same problem a few years ago. Hopefully, it will be just as easy a fix as it was the last time.

As a workaround, just open the library website in different browser tab or browser window.

UPDATE (21 March 2016) Now if users click the “Baruch Library” link, they will get a message indicating the page will open in a new tab if the browser allows pop ups.

Library Website Not Working Within Blackboard (see update)

Update (25 August 2014) This problem is now resolved.


If you log into Blackboard, one of the main navigation options you see is for the “Baruch Library.”

Blackboard--Baruch Library display

Today, when tried that option in various browsers, I had all sorts of trouble:

Google Chrome

• library home page doesn’t load at all

• library home page loads but none of the links work

Internet Explorer
• Text of the library home page loads at the top, then all the graphics/images are pushed to the bottom

If you visit the library website directly (i.e., not through the Blackboard interface), there are no problems at all, though.

I’ve submitted a ticket to BCTC about this.

Social Explorer Login and Blackboard

We just learned that if a student is in Blackboard and then clicks the “Baruch Library” tab so they can navigate to our databases page and launch a database, they will be unable to launch the premium version (the paid version we subscribe to) of Social Explorer. Here’s a screenshot of the scenario:

Social Explorer--Blackboard problem

If student reports this problem, suggest that they open up a new browser tab or window and use that navigate to the Databases page on the library website before trying to launch Social Explorer.