The Arts in New York City

5 thoughts on “Long Island City”

  1. Long Island City is known mainly for its close proximity to New York City. Being right across the East River, the area lives in the shadow of the metropolis of Manhattan. Blend on the Water is a restaurant that one can see New York City from. Situated on the river, the restaurant has a glass panoramic window set up allowing for patrons to enjoy the spectacular New York City buildings. Besides the view, the restaurant is also known for its Latin American cuisine and cocktails. The modern design is complementary to the twist taken on many of the traditional Latin American dishes. Blend on the Water takes advantage of Long Island City’s ability to see New York City without having to deal with the annoying noise or traffic.

  2. I actually love LIC. I had an internship at the NYC DOB over the summer in their office off Thompson Av and 33rd st. The thing I most remember about that summer other than the tons of work was our trip to a construction site along the banks of the East River, not too far away from Gantry Plaza, in fact, I think the construction site is in it. Anyway, we went to see the construction of a library and it isn’t like any library you’ve seen before. Its a rectangular building set into a triangular plot but whats interesting is the design: there are oblong glass cutouts that make the building not only unique but a great addition to the neighborhood. It’s a refreshing and beautiful sight right near the Pepsi Cola sign.

  3. Long Island City is actually one of the most underrated parts of New York City. The city skyline from Gantry State Park is gorgeous at night. The park is actually where my group of friends went to take our prom pictures. There aren’t many places that offer the beauty of nature in combination with the towering man-made skyscrapers in the same place. A place that wasn’t covered in your guide is actually Sunberi. It is actually a frozen yogurt place that is in the area and also owned by my family. I’ve actually worked at in the summer and I’ve done deliveries around the neighborhood so I can say I’m pretty familiar with the area. Sunberi actually makes one of the hottest trends for New York in 2016, which is the Thai Ice Cream rolls. It is a freshly made ice-cream that is rolled up into 5 rolls with toppings on top. If you’re ever in the area, be sure to check out this place!

  4. I was interested to learn about Long Island City. Taking the LIRR every day to school, I did not realize the history behind the Hunters Point stop. I was also intrigued and surprised to learn about how the city was formed and what disputes were dealt with before it’s official formation. The fact that Astoria didn’t want to pay taxes was quite amusing actually. I think another location that one could visit in Long Island City is the Elevator Historical Society. Although I haven’t gone yet, it looks like an interesting place showing the progression of elevator switches and how they have become such an important part of society. The paintings of how escalators were changing the landscape are interesting to look at as well.

  5. I enjoyed reading through your guide of Long Island City, a neighborhood that I have only been to a handful of times. I was not aware of Gantry State Park, as well as the large Pepsi-Cola sign it features. Moreover, the view of the Manhattan skyline from Hunters Point seems very impressive, one that definitely sounds like a great spot for taking pictures. I also appreciated the dining section of your guide; it seems that there are many diverse and delicious options to eat in the neighborhood. One restaurant that I would also recommend in the area is Maiella, an Italian restaurant located near SHI, just a few hundred feet from the waterfront.

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