The Arts in New York City

3 thoughts on ““Bases Loaded””

  1. I thought your story was very interesting firstly because it told the story of kids that were our age and going through the same thing we were but just at a different time period. I found your story extremely relatable because of the age and the timing the characters happen to be in. I could tell from reading your work that a lot of your own emotions and ideas of college went into this piece and it does a great job of translating it for a different time period. It’s hard to believe that this was a reality for kids during the Great Depression and it hits harder with the fact that we are about to finish our first semester of college soon. To wonder if what happened in the story happened to me is a very scary thought to have.

  2. I enjoyed your story because of the baseball focus it had. I really enjoyed playing baseball as a kid so a lot of the story was relatable. I really enjoyed how vividly you wrote about the game and how you described every detail down to the very dripping sweat of the players. I also found it amusing how you included players ranging from all ages like little Frankie, he was a very cute player. Aside from the baseball appeal you had in your story, I really enjoyed how the depression acted a little like a catalyst for the main characters towards their adulthood. There is a clear distinction between when the characters were carefree and worried only to not break a neighbor’s window and when they would come back a year later only to have so many responsibilities to take care of as a result of the depression.

  3. I enjoyed reading your story, and I can relate to the underlying theme of growing up, coming of age. When I was little, I played many sports in my neighborhood, but at some point, responsibility overtakes some of the hobbies that we have in our lives. I also thought that the story was realistic given the time period in which it’s set; The Great Depression affected many families and adolescents in ways similar to James – it changed lifestyles and many children were forced to work to support their families. In your story, children were forced to give up their dreams of becoming professional athletes due to the harsh effects that the economic downturn had on their families.

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