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As I was reading Chapter 4, The Deepening Page, I realized what what an amazing invention the printing press was. Well, I always knew it was a great accomplishment, but I never thought about how it actually effected the people during that time. In the past, people had to use plant fibers, goat or sheep hide, and papyrus to write text on. Scrolls were expensive and not very many people could afford to read. However, it was a miracle when books began to be printed! Many people could afford to read books and it was just something they wished would happen. Nowadays, everyone takes that for granted and some do not even enjoy reading.

Books back then were like the computers of this decade. No one even thought about computers that long ago so this made me start thinking, if computers took over books recently, is there something in the future that would replace computers? Honestly, there is nothing on my mind that can imagine that, but no one ever thought about computers centuries before, so anything is possible. Maybe sometime in the future,  we will be able to enter virtual 3-D worlds and do whatever we had always dreamed of doing. Who knows?

A lot of people may have seen this before, but I always thought this was pretty clever. =)


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