Digital Essay

For my digital essay I wouldn’t to clearly show my topic of how childhood has changed during the different decades of history. I wanted to show it in a slide show so that the audience could catch the differences as each slide progressed on. For the pictures I wanted to find kids engaged in outdoor activities since that was so common in a childhood back long ago. For todays childhood I wanted to emphasize that technology was taking over our kids and that the traditional childhood was gone. I picked my song “opposite of Adults” because it talks about the styles of a kids life and mentions innocence which was a point I brought up in my essay.

What made my digital essay most effective in my opinion was starting from 1940’s and going up decade by decade to show the differences and how time was changing children’s childhood’s. The last thing I did was made the slide show as long as the song and then added a funny clip of a baby smiling right after the music as almost a happy “THE END.”


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The Digital Essay

Before I started this digital essay, I already had a vision in mind of what my digital essay was going to look like. But I found out the hard way that it was hard to do exactly from my vision because I didn’t know how to use certain softwares as much. I had a miserable time making this video due to corruption data files and freezing saving screens (thanks Windows Live Movie Maker), but in the end I think it sends out the message that I got from the poem. Even though Raoul and I had similar ideas, I decided to make this film a little bit more story telling and I tried to relate to the audience by using myself as a common student in this short digital essay. My thesis that I got from Brian Kim Stefan’s electronic literature poem, Star Wars, One Letter at a Time, was that everything starts at a blank page where the writers use their experience, creativity,  and inspirations (passion) to make their work a true masterpiece or a piece of art. Even though in the video I didn’t really emphasized on the passion or inspiration, I hope that you can see that after I got an idea or a concept I discovered while writing, I was happy in the end with my work, not just finishing my essay. Hope you enjoyed my video and the next time you are stuck or staring at the empty page, you are happy to brainstrom and find that idea/inspiration to write a fun essay!

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the making of my thingy

I had a little bit of fun making it, but it didn’t end up being as awesome as I thought it would be. I had planned to use a few more videos to make the clips shorter but I couldn’t find what I needed so I had to stretch out the few clips that I did have which made it kind of boringg. But at I think my point was clear. Even before that I did a little bit of storyboarding, none of which I followed, like always.

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Process of digital essay

Before I really started working on this digital essay, I already had a plan of it. After I finished writing the paper, I started doing the digital essay. Because I knew I wanted to do a slideshow, the first thing I had to do was to gather as many pictures as possible. I found some pictures that were good for the slideshow from my computer. However, I still needed more. Therefore, I took more pictures. After I had enough photos, I had to think of how to put them together into a slideshow. Then, I tried the Window Movie Maker. It was easy to use. After I made a slideshow, I also put some background music to make the slideshow stronger. After the slideshow was done, I showed it to my dad. He said he didn’t understand what I was trying to express. Therefore, I had to make some changes. I put words on some photos to make the whole slideshow to be more understandable. The process of gathering photos took me a few days but it only took me a few hours to make the slideshow. Finally, I uploaded the video on to Youtube and posted it on the blog.

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Digital Project

I planned out all the scenes on paper before recording them. Since I was going to edit the video anyway, it did not matter if I went in order or not. Which ever seen was more convenient for me to record at that time and place, I recorded that one first. It was better to record more than less at that point because I can always cut out some parts of each scene, but it would not be possible to add onto a scene directly. After recording all the scenes, a lot of editing was done on iMovie, such as adding text and music. Finally, I uploaded the video onto YouTube! 🙂

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I spend Sunday afternoon recording all the video segments and it took me like 3.5 hours to finish all the recording. Then I started planning how I want my video to be. I tried Youtube Editor first and I found it’s simple to use and I used it to shorten my video. I also used Windows Movie Maker to add theme, begining, and ending to my video. Later I uploaded my video onto Youtube and embeded it onto blog.

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Digital Essay: Kid’s Show: 1991

In my video, I compare a child’s life in the city vs. a child’s life in the suburbs. I give the perspective of a child throughout the video. In the city, children walk to get from place to place, where as in the suburbs, children usually are driven around in cars. The parks in the city were packed with children and the parks in the suburbs were empty. This is because children have yards to play in by their house while children in the city do not. At the end of the day, a child growing up in the city is no different than a child growing up in the suburbs. The outcome of their lives are not affected by their environment.

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Digital Essay: Mankind Destroys and Saves the Earth

Making this digital essay was a very tedious but fun and rewarding experience. My original plan was to make a flash animation but it was too complicated so I scrapped that idea. Then, I decided to make a “manual” flash animation by drawing each frame and piecing it together. The tedious process of drawing each frame took two nights but after putting it together and watching the final project, I was very proud of myself. If I had more time, I would definitely try to add more frames in between to make it move more smoothly. Below is a link to the video.


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Digital Essay: Where Language Takes Me

What started as a film idea turned into a slideshow, regardless, I feel somewhat proud. To start things out, I decided to pick all the places that I wanted to visited and try to put them into a slideshow. After finding the picture the next step was the hardest: getting my message across. At first I wanted to use the recording feature on the site but that didn’t work out well so I decided to go with text despite the fact I was very reluctant in doing that. Eventually after creating my text and arranging my pictures I gave birth to this digital essay. I liked how it came out since I thought it was going to fail big time but in the end it managed to make its point.

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My Digital Poem

.prezi-player { width: 400px; } .prezi-player-links { text-align: center; }

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