Individual Conferences

On Thursday, March 1, you will be meeting with me in my office (VC 7-290K) for Individual Conferences. Please make sure to be on time with a copy of your most recent draft. There will be no regularly scheduled class that day.

9:20  Jun

9:30  Raul

9:40  Maura

9:50  Leyda

10:00  Jose

10:10  Liz

10:20  Amy and Konstantin

10:30  Cristian

10:40  Randy

10:50  Amzad

11:00  David

11:10  Anna

11:20  Michelle

11:30  Melin and Ching

11:40  Conrad

11:50  Mimi

12:00  Jeremy and James

12:10  Aaron and Shazad

About EKaufman

English Adjunct
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