Dear reader,
Before studying the short story, “Separate Ways,” written by Higuchi Ichiyo, I decided to get know the author. Higuchi Ichiyo, one of the famous Japanese women writer, has done many important works such as poem, and novel. Ichiyo was the daughter of a low-ranking government employee. After the death of her father, she suddenly had to take care of her mother and her younger sister. Then, she went to one of the famous poetry school to study classical literature. The success of her classmate in publishing fiction motivated Ichiyo to write in order to make a living. Her personal experiences as a Japanese woman helped her to write many poems, and novels about pleasure in Japan. Then, “Separate Ways,” was part of it. It was written in 1896 in the Meiji era that was characterized by the impact of imperialism on Japanese culture.
In her short story, “Separate Ways,” Ichiyo talked about the relationship between Okyo and Kichizo in order to point out the choice between living in poverty and independent, and being a mistress and not be dependent. She also denounced stereotypes towards people different from us.
Ichiyo pointed out many stereotypes towards Kichizo in her short story. When people were mad him they called him “Dwarf, Dwarf” (291). Kichizo was bullied because it was too short compare to other. The meaning of dwarf is someone too short. Because Kichizo was too short, people used this pejorative adjective to insult him. It has a very bad effect on Kichizo because his self-esteem was hurt. When Kichizo appreciated the mark of affective given by Okyo regardless his height, “Did something happen? I’ve been worried about you.’ That’s how she greets me. Who else gets treated that way? ‘Hulking men are like big trees’ (292). This quote showed that being bullied every time has caused an emotional damage on Kichizo. He thought only Hulking men deserved to be treated properly, but not people as short as he is. People different from the norm that society established are not treated as a normal person. There are still some people who are not judgmental about physics. After Kichizo talked about the hulking men, Okyo answered, “look at how the tiny peppercorn is prized” (292). Here, this metaphor means that even though Kichizo is short in height, he should be appreciated for who he is and not for his appearance. Okyo tried also to build Kichizo self-esteem by saying that. Okyo and Kichizo shared a very strong bond but unfortunately because of some issues each one will use different ways.
Ichiyo juggled with the choice of living in poverty and being dependent, and the choice of being mistress and not being dependent. When Okyo was tired of poverty, working in the umbrella’s company; she decided to become a mistress of a rich man in order to avoid poverty, then Okyo tried to lie to Kichizo, but he caught her, “But you are going to do it, aren’t you? You are going off to be someone’s mistress” (293)! This quote shows that Kichizo caught Okyo lying to him. He disagreed her choice of being someone’s mistress when Kichizo said, “I don’t know maybe it’s a step up for you, but don’t do it. It’s not not as if you can’t make a living with your sewing” (293). Kichizo disagreed the fact of being someone’s mistress because she can use another life worthier. The life of working and being able to take care of herself. Sewing could help her take care of herself. This is Kichizo’s way. However, Okyo was tired of her lifestyle. That’s why she chose the easy way out. When she responded to Kichizo, “Kichizo, I am sick of all this washing and sewing” (294). Okyo did not like the way she lived, she prefered to be someone’s mistress than to work hard and make a living. This is Okyo’s way. Both characters represent two different ways that are the easy way, and to work hard in order to take care of one self.
After reading this short story, I have left with some questions.
What will happen if Kichizo was rich enough to take care of Okyo? Will she decide to leave Kichizo?
Is it really because of her lifestyle that she decided to be someone’s mistress ? I am still thinking about her last quote, “it’s not the sort of thing anybody wants to do. But it’s been decided. You cant change things.
Great Analysis,
This is one of the true stories of the era which is playing with realism. it reflect how the societies were being formed and how the low class could have survive. in fact the best opportunity for any low class person was to become a servant or a mistress for rich people, that was meant luxury for them. at the end when she say “things are decided, and you can not change any thing” it shows and reflect the limitations and the situation beyond her control. although she pretend to becoming a mistress, yet we don’t know much but can guess that if she is becoming a sex worker of the broadcloth or a restitution.
It had a close connection with Felecite and Lazaros’ life too in which they lose family and every one they become dear to them and go through similar situation.
The two questions you pose are very interesting because I feel like it comments on early Japanese societal values and customs from a women’s point of view. This can be alluded to the Lewis R. Goldberg five factor model of personality which helps to explain Japanese male dominance where the submission of women was culturally accepted. The first question of if Kichizo was rich enough, would Okyo stay or be with him makes one think if Kichizo can even advance from his social economic class and if Okyo subliminally speaks about women’s mindset of being unassertive of Japanese male desires. The second question speaks more about how this Japanese male created society was conditioned this way where “it has been decided – you cant change things.” Okyo definitely has the power to remain where she is and she even is living comfortably but in order to advance her societal economic status in this society, one has to do such things that may be frowned upon by others for her future lineage.