Who Makes Policy Campaign 2016 Edition

Op-ed: Trump’s Ideology of Applause.

Roughly a month ago, NY Times columnist Frank Bruni touched on a troubling aspect of Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump– that is, his absolute penchant for adulation and praise, regardless of whether it is warranted or not.  He discusses the Donald’s apparent admiration for Russian leader Vladimir Putin and his “82 percent approval rating,” something he gleefully highlighted during the “commander in chief” forum in September.

As Bruni reminds us, Putin’s “82 percent approval rating” exist in a climate of fear and intimidation fostered by an authoritarian government ran by a ruthless strongman.  It would be hard, after all, to dissent against the government when you know you can get in serious legal trouble for doing so.  And that’s saying the least about that situation.

Trump’s apparent praise for Putin, and his own general need for praise, is troubling in terms of what to expect from a possible Trump Presidency.  What happens to those who dare challenge him, who dare to speak out against him and say even a peep criticizing him?  Only God knows at this point, but the signs don’t look good.

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