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Supporting English language learners in the classroom
The following guide is meant to support college instructors working with English language learners. It has four main sections:
- Understanding language acquisition
- Creating a linguistically inclusive classroom environment
- Developing supportive assignments
- Providing feedback that motivates revision
We designed this guide for faculty at Baruch College, a highly multilingual campus (where students speak over 100 languages), but we believe the guidance would apply equally at other institutions.
Screencast video feedback guide
Screencast video feedback combines a screen capture walkthrough of a student’s paper with a thumbnail video of the instructor discussing their feedback. Screencast video feedback is a particularly useful tool for remote learners and can be used instead of or in addition to traditional written comments.
Our screencast video feedback guide contains both pedagogical recommendations and a step-by-step guide for recording screencast feedback using Zoom.
Writers Teaching Writers pedagogical journal
Baruch’s Writing Center publishes Writers Teaching Writers, an online pedagogical journal and resource collection. Writers Teaching Writers offers a range of resources related to the teaching and tutoring of writing, including a pedagogical journal where writing consultants reflect on their experiences as professional writers and teachers of writing and a collection of tutoring resources related to teaching and tutoring writing
Lexington Review writing guide teaching resources
In addition to our pedagogical journal, Baruch’s Writing Center publishes The Lexington Review, a journal of outstanding curriculum-based writing by Baruch students. In addition to model student writing, The Lexington Review publishes writing guides—pedagogical resources that use student writing to illustrate specific writing skills in context.
Our Lexington Review teaching resources guide provides an overview of strategies for using writing guides in the classroom.