I am a Baruch scholar and an international student; my parents work very hard to support me here and thus i have a great deal of responsibility to my family to prosper and be able to return the love, care and financial support they have always provided me. However, i think that it is also extremely essential that i highlight the role of Baruch college and the honors program here. By giving me the privilege of free tuition, they have not only taken a great load of my parent’s shoulders but in fact provided me with the opportunity to come to this country and make something of myself. I know the “American Dream” has become a cliche but for thousands of students, especially foreign ones like myself, it is still an enchanting prospect-the ultimate goal. My father immigrated from a small village to a big city in my home country and it is because of that very immigration that i am today able to walk the streets of New York. He came to a foreign city, independent of his family and support network and worked hard to prosper in his life. I am cast almost exactly in that role and hope that one day my children will be able to enjoy all the comforts and opportunities that so many Americans take for granted.
I got a little off topic there. Back to Baruch’s and the honor program’s role. In light of all the benefits and opportunities that they have provided me, i think that it is important for me to give something back to them and to the larger New York community as well. At this point in my life, i do not have a lot to give financially but i can certainly give my time and effort, if simply, to repay some of the debt that i owe to this institution for without their support i would have found it hard to even be here. In this upcoming project, i will do my best to serve and to help and you know what i want to do it. In my culture, if somebody teaches you a single word, you are indebted to them for the rest of your life and Baruch college is giving me an entire education.
As far as the culture that the Honor Program promotes as in community service, i think it is a great idea and that it should be a part of every college students duty. Everyone lives in a community, their are no bubbles so what effects my neighbors and the strangers that i walk by on the street is probably or already affecting me as well so helping build a better and more caring society is at the end of the day, a favor to myself.