Next steps…

The community service project made it necessary for us to first research probable NGOs where we could volunteer and i learned a greal deal about how to research such organisations. It was also vital that we check in with linda maestro and make sure that our project idea was viable and satisfactory. Other than that, i do not think any support centre was required. my peer mentor, Justin, was a great help and i often turned to him for advice regarding the group project.

I have not yet joined a student club and i know this will come back to haunt me in my later years at baruch. I however, have every intention of doing so and am interested in several organisation, cheif among them VITA which i think is a wonderful organisation based on a marvelous idea. Other than that, the Golden Key Honors society presents a great deal of opportunity though i would prefer to get involved with something smaller and actually be a useful member to it rather than just a number. i am also interested in the semester abroad oppurtunity that Baruch offers and would like to avail because i like to experience new cultures, languages and learn how to interact in an increasingly diverse and globalized world.

My understanding of community service has significantly evolved; i have come to view it not as “something” that must be done because the honors program wants us to do it but rather as a genuine opportunity to give something back to the community that has given me so much.

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