What is Graphic Design?



Read the linked article, What is Graphic Design? Write two complete paragraphs in response to the article. In the first paragraph, discuss what the article made you think of and/or how it contributed to your understanding of visual communication and graphic design. In the second paragraph, pose a question that you’d like to ask the author–and propose a possible answer to your question.

Name your post “What is Graphic Design” and “categorize” your post by checking the box next to Assignment 2. The category checkbox is to the bottom right when you’re writing your post.


good and bad designs




The first design is the logo of “IBM” company. This logo is design very nice. It is out standing with the bold letter and combine with the horizontal strips to high light the letter. The logo is special in the way that people will be have a good effect on it that easy to remember and impress on it.

smoking die

The second picture is good design because it is simple and vivid that people understand the massage of bad effect of smoking. The dirt is shown in a dying person figure. It is very effective.





This design is bad because the word “suicide.” I don’t know how the designer is thinking of suicide, but in common sense for most people suicide is not a good thing to do. It is about morality that let people know that suicide is not a good way to solve the problem. But, the designer designs this word in a very cool and fun way by using the typeface and the yellow background. Also, it using the space to show the message of “right to die,” that is not good.


This advertising is bad design because the whole picture is disgusting. Even though the idea of this is about the gun can help for the bad smile but it is not good to show in this way with a stinky and dirty sock and fish from the mouths. It makes me don’t want to know how well the gun can help, but the bad feeling by seeing it.

What is Graphic Design?

After I read the article, I realize that graphic design is really all around in our life.I understand some basic information about graphic design. Graphic design is interior design, or visual communication design. It is based on vision as a way to communicate and perform through a variety of ways to create and combine symbols, images and text, thereby making use to convey ideas or visual representation of message. Graphic designer may use typography, layout, visual arts, and other aspects of professional skills to achieve the purpose of the creation of the plan. Graphic design usually refers to the process of design, and the final completion of the works.

In the article, it mentions six types of designs: Typed-based design, image and type, symbols, logos, and logotypes. Usually graphic design are for logo ( trademark and brand ) , publications ( magazines, newspapers and books ) , print ads , posters , billboards , website graphic elements , logos , and product packaging. For example, trademark or other works of art which may include product packaging, the layout of text and pure design elements such as style uniform images, shapes and colors. Usually a designer use his/her best effort to create the best works for his/her client, but not the client knows or understand what the theme and inspiration about the design and only know that is beautiful. So, how designer explain in the common easy way to let the client to understand his/her design? I propose a possible answer can be: the designer should base the understanding of the client and using as simple as possible explain and leading the client to know why and how to get the idea of the design which fit what the client wants. If I were the designer, I would using simple, clear way to explain, bring out some example will be the good way to let client to understand.


Good & Bad Examples of Print Ads

Bad Examples:

"Florida State Parks"

“Florida State Parks”

"Bake Sale"

“Bake Sale”

Connected fonts with little flourishes (such as Brush Script) can pose problems when printing with certain methods. However, that’s not the only reason why Brush Script is a horrible font. It’s an outdated typeface that’s been used in print media since Baby Boomers were actually babies.


The only time you should ever print something in Curlz is if you’re making invitations for a six-year-old girl’s birthday party—and even then, you owe it to that little girl to use a more creative font. Curlz has an association with immaturity and it can give off an impression of cheap gaudiness and unprofessionalism.


Good Examples: 



This is a great example of minimal print ads that say a lot. The humor and simplicity is spot on. And the use of typography is truly commendable.


This ad is for Aasra Suicide Prevention Helpline. The clever use of visual pun is an ideal way for a print ad to say everything in just one image.



What is Graphic Design?

To me, graphic design is the combination of shapes, colors, typefaces, images and words that cause you to react or feel something. It typically conveys a message, shines light on an issue, maybe solves a problem, expresses beauty or sets a feeling. I’ve always thought aestically, composition was one of the most important features of graphic design and key to a successful design. The reading quickly changed this opinion.

This article helped me to grasp what graphic design truly encompasses.The use of images, text, position and overall psychology to help reel in their audience are the main components to a successful design. What I love about design is that is goes hand-in-hand with psychology which is one of the main reasons why I made the decision to major in both Graphic Communication and Psychology to get a better handle on what the audience sees, wants and understands. The psychology behind the design influences how you perceive the idea and as a designer how you convey your message.

My question to the author is if there could be one essential trait behind a successful design, what would it be? So many factors contribute in the process of creating but what is it that one must always keep in mind? The audience? Perspective? Feeling? Message? No matter the answer, it will be subjective and it will depend on who is the audience and what is the message but if there is one idea that applies to all of the above, what is it? I want to know the key ingredient, the inside scoop!

What is graphic design?

The article helps me to understand what roles graphic designs play in this world as well as how designers communicate with audience using different tools of graphic design. The article reminds me that visual communication are really powerful as it exists all around us and affect every aspect of our perception. According to the article, there are two different type of graphic design in terms of it tool, image-based design and type-based design, and designers often combine them to communicate a client’s message to an audience. Personally, I’ve been only focusing on image when I think of graphic design and didn’t have enough knowledge of typography. From the article, I’ve learned that type-based design has such numerous precious options.

One thing I would like to ask the author about is the use of colors in graphic design. In my opinion, coloring might be the most difficult and important thing in all the design, whether it is image-based or type-based, even for a symbol and a logo. So I want to know how designers would decide the color of design and how much color could affect design. I believe designers might conduct enough research into each color’s characteristics before they use the color because it could change the audience’s perception either positively or negatively.

Examples of Good Design and Bad Design

I think these are the examples of good design. Both of them have clear messages with the simple and creative design. They are cute and fun for people to see.


Here’s some examples of bad design. I guess they are somewhat creative but actually a little frightening for me. When I first see them I feel comfortable and confused about what they are trying to say.

What is Graphic Design?

This article titled “What is Graphic Design?” really helped me to fully understand how graphic designer use images, text and fonts to pull their audience in. I have tried in the past to do some mediocre graphic design work but I would really like to lean how different fonts and sizes affect the overall perception of the message. This article made me really think about the psychology behind graphic design. From image-based, type-based and the hybrid of image and type designs, each has their very own way of most effectively communicating a message. I am really interested in logo designs and how to create works that are both visually appealing and effectively stick with the audience in the future.

The question I pose to the author is, how does psychology play into graphic design? I am aware that it is a major components of designing text, logos and visual imagery but what exactly does the audience respond to and how do graphic designers determine this? This aspect plays a huge role in how effectively the message you want to portray is administered.

Design Samples

Good Design

Picture-2507 Good Design #1



I feel that both of these minimalist designs are very clean and simple. They also both clearly display the purpose of the advertisement; that these products are made with fresh ingredients.

Bad Design

Print wpid-scan0003


In the first design, it is very hard to distinguish and read the words quickly in my opinion mostly due to the font and color differences. The second design is just awful; there is way too much text, the swirling background is distracting and there is really no direct focus.



Design Examples

Good Design Examples

amazon logovw1960



To me, the Amazon logo is able to say a lot with very little. The bolded “Amazon” versus the non-bolded “.com” differentiates the name itself from the website. The arrow logo going from A to Z is a part of Amazon’s background as a bookstore, but still works today as a representation of how you can get anything from their website. Plus, it looks like a smile, giving the logo more human features. Similarly, the Volkswagon ad is simple without being oversimplified.

Bad Design Examples



The first bad design example is a bottle of Dr. Bronner’s Organic Soap. The label is very busy, with words covering the entirety of the label, which may be too small to even read for some people. The failed Gap logo, on the other end of the spectrum, is oversimplistic, and fails to communicate anything with the audience, which is probably why they reverted back to their original logo not long after this one was released.


Design Samples


These are my examples of good ads. The first is of a Windex ad. It is a visual-ad with no words, but there is still a clear message. The second is a propaganda poster during the war to encourage woman to join the workforce.The simple phrase “we can do it” is straight to the point followed by a strong female worker, and also sends an effective message.


These are my examples of bad ads. The first one doesn’t look professional because the picture is so drastic and does not look credible. Even the message is unrealistic. The second picture is just awkward. Especially for a brand like Chanel, it seems as though having a picture of Brad Pitt next to the perfume would be enough. Even though the audience knows it’s advertising the perfume, there really isn’t a message being conveyed.