Journal #3

As the first semester is coming to an end, I am beginning to think back at everything that has happened over the past three months – first successes and first failures, first papers and first exams, and of course, first projects. The more I think about it, the more I realize that without all the support from faculty and peers of Baruch Scholars, the semester would just not be the same.

The Community Service Project encouraged us all to grow a little closer together, to get to know each other a little bit better and to learn to work as a team. Not every step was easy, and some required a great level of effort from each member of the team. Just choosing the right cause was a challenge! With everyone being passionate about something, it was hard to settle on a cause each member agreed on. Thankfully, Dariya and Mr. Medina were always there to help us out. They pointed us in the right direction, and exposed us to resources like library databases for performing our organization search.

Needless to say, the Community Project was one of the first projects all of us had to do in college. And while it was not the most difficult task, it taught us the importance of teamwork, and the challenges that come with it. Communicating with every member, and coming to an agreement is oftentimes difficult and requires a tom of compromise and communication. This is something that I feel I will not only take into my future courses, but into my future career as well. Being a team player is essential in today’s environment, and having the ability to lead the team in the right direction, while taking into consideration all the member’s thought and feelings is essential for future success.

Three years seems like an eternity at this point, however I am sure that the time will fly by and the three years will be over before I know it. When it happens I hope to be able to look back at my college career and see a fulfilling past filled with successes, progress and personal growth. I hope to see myself as an evolved persona with a wide range of experiences and an open-minded view of the world. Of course, throughout the whole journey I hope to continue progressing in my career (whatever it will be) and be able to enter the workforce as a full time employee upon graduation.