One Day

I envision a future where digital communications can expand on people’s minds, like for their self-interests or curiosity, without distorting reality. Digital communications is a stepping block toward the shaping of a society’s mentality, it should be accurate. Digital communications is intertwined with the way other fields and societies function.

One day, I would also love it for history to be exposed for its atrocities, more than it has been already. I would want people to be educated on the realities of how history made the world what it is today rather than sugarcoating it.

One day, I would want the media to stop influencing the way beauty is viewed on a grand scale. Being skinny doesn’t equate to being healthy. Having darker toned skin doesn’t make you anything less than normal.

One day, I would want people to realize how mass incarceration and the whole prison system is a big business. Just like how colleges have been for decades.

One day, I would want online communities to unite by supporting another for being different but not excluded. There are more atrocities happening that need to be exposed and spread as well. Like most recently, schools shame children for not having money to pay for lunch and this isn’t a widely known issue when it should be.

Those are just a few examples I could picture my ideal future. If not mine then the future of the generations after me. My concerns is the shaping of our realities as the future involves innovation and possibly overstimulation of technological things. According to “Identity in the Age of the Internet” it reads “that context is the story of eroding boundaries between the real and the virtual, the animate and inanimate, the unitary and the multiple self, which is occurring both in advanced scientific fields or research and in the patterns of everyday life. (Turkle, p. 10)” By altering and influencing what we conceive as true or false, or right or wrong, in many aspects of our life we are bound to change ourselves into something far from normal. Digital media is the middleman for what knowledge we are exposed to. I guess it’s just me being a pessoptimist about our futures. On one hand we control our own futures, on the other hand strangers or something else wants insights on our futures too.

1) What are some things you guys have learned in your life that has been exposed of its “alternate reality”?

2) What can we do, as individuals, to make our lives and mentality stay in our control?

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